Kafka Client for JS - munichbughunter/SevenFacette GitHub Wiki
The configuration in the JSON file looks like the following for a consumer and producer.
"sevenFacette": {
"kafka": {
"bootstrapServer": "localhost:9092",
"consumer": {
"testConsumer": {
"useSASLAuthentication": false,
"autoOffset": "earliest",
"topicName": "test",
"maxConsumingTime": 60000
"topic2": {
"autoOffset": "earliest",
"bootstrapServer": "localhost:9191"
"producer": {
"testProducer": {
"useSASLAuthentication": false,
"autoOffset": "latest",
"topicName": "test"
// And then you can create the consumer based on the name in the configuration:
var kafka = new sf.kafka.createKConsumer("testConsumer")
The KConsumer can be created via factory method. Based on the maxConsumingTime the consumer will poll for records on the defined topic.
var kafka = new sf.kafka.createKConsumer("testConsumer")
The eachMessage handler provides a convenient and easy to use API, feeding your function one message at a time. It is implemented on top of eachBatch, and it will automatically commit your offsets and heartbeat at the configured interval for you.
const sfConsumer = kafka.getConsumer()
await sfConsumer.run({
eachMessage: async ({ topic, partition, message }) => {
if (message.key == null) {
kafka.addKRecord("", message.value.toString(), message.offset, partition)
} else {
kafka.addKRecord(message.key.toString(), message.value.toString(), message.offset, partition)
Before you can make your validation you have to disconnect your consumer or producer instance with the shutdown() command.
The consumer returns KRecords. KRecords holds the consumed data.
- key of the message
- value of the message
- offset
- partition
The method getMessages() returns all consumed records as Array.
Returns the count of the consumed messages.
Returns the last consumed message as String.
You can filter for records.
The KProducer provides a single method for sending new messages to a previously configured Kafka topic. It can also be created via factory method.
var producer = new sf.kafka.createKProducer("testProducer")
Send message with producer
await producer.sendKeyMessage("Testmessage", "Hello here is my fantastic message")
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000)