git init directory_name |
Create a new repository |
git clone paste_the_repository_link |
To copy the Repository to the server/local |
git add file_name |
Used to add the files to staged area |
git add . |
Add the all files in the project/repository to staged area (.) is a wildcard |
git add fil* |
Add all the files to the staged area the file starting with fil*. (*) is a wildcard |
git status |
get the status of current repository whether it is in modified (untracked files),staged and commit status |
git commit –m “add commit summary” |
It will used to create a commit ID's for each changes made in the file |
git log |
Display the commit history (ID’s) on the terminal |
git log -p |
Display the commit history along with the File line changes in the each commit |
git log --stat |
Display the commit ID’s, Display the file changes and number of lines inserted/deleted to the file |
git mv old_file new_file |
Used to move the content in the old file to new file |
git checkout branch |
Used to shifting between the branches |
git branch branch name |
It create a new branch in the Repository |
git checkout –b branch_name |
It also used to create the new branch but it will point (*) to the newly created branch |
git branch |
Display the branches along with it mark the asterisk (*)shows that we are in which branch |
git branch –d branch_name |
It will delete the branch from local |
git merge --abort |
It is used to get-out from the merging |
git merge |
It will merge the branch to the current branch |
git push origin branch_name |
After the commit changes we can push the content to github. |
git pull |
We can get the updated details of other Repository to the server/local |
git fetch |
Fetches a specific branch, from the repository Leave off to fetch all remote reference/branches. |
git branch -all |
To git all branches of repository |
git push origin --delete branch_name |
It will remove branch from server. |