09. echo_command - muneeb-mbytes/linux_course GitHub Wiki

echo command

Echo is a simple command that simply prints its arguments on the terminal.
It is mostly used in files to output status text to the terminal screen.

echo command and its variations

The below figure shows echo command and its options.

echo chart

                                      Figure 1: Echo command and its variations

echo command cheat sheet

Sr No. echo commands with different options description
1 echo "string" Display string
2 echo -e "string1\tstring2 Display string with horizontal tab spaces
3 echo -e "string1\vstring2 Display string with vertical tab spaces
4 echo -e "string1\bstring2 Display string without spaces
5 echo -e "string1\nstring2 Display strings in new line
6 echo $USER Display username

Note : This commands work in bash. In tcsh also echo "string" works.

echo "string"

Syntax: echo "string"

Example: echo "Manipal"

This command displays the string 'Manipal' in output terminal.

Below figure shows the output of echo "Manipal".

echo pic

                                       Figure 2: Echo command actual output  

The below figure shows that output of echo command and its actual output.

echo1 gif

                                         GIF.1 : Echo GIF   

Link to GitHub lab :https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/blob/b7_team_kachori/echo_commands/echo.csh

echo -e "string1\tstring2"

Syntax: echo "string1\tstring2"

Example: echo "Hello\tWorld"

The '\t' command is used to give horizontal tab spaces between string1 and string2.

Below figure shows the output of "Hello\tWorld"

echo v (1)

                                            Fig 2:  output of "Hello\tWorld"

echo -e "string1\vstring2"

Syntax: echo "string1\vstring2"

Example: echo "Hello\vWorld"

The '\v' command is used to give vertical tab spaces between string1 and string2.

Below figure shows the output of echo "Hello\vWorld".

echo3 (1)

                                      Fig 3 : output of echo "Hello\vWorld

echo -e "string1\bstring2"

Syntax: echo "string1\bstring2"

Example: echo "Hello\bWorld"

The '\b' command displays without spaces between string1 and string2. The output shows that '\b' removes the spaces between two strings.

Below figure shows the output of echo "Hello\bWorld".

Screenshot 2022-08-20 132106

                                           Fig 4: output of echo "Hello\bWorld"

echo -e "string1\nstring2"

Syntax: echo "string1\nstring2"

Example: echo "Hello\nWorld"

This command \n display the string1 and string2 in two lines.'\n' command display string2 in new line.

Below figure shows the output of echo "Hello\nWorld".


                                        Fig 5:Output of  echo "Hello\nWorld" 

echo $USER

Syntax: echo $USER

Example: echo $USER
This command $USER displays the current username.


                                               Fig 6: Output of echo $USER 

Multiple echo outputs in one line

echo [option] [string] \

echo -e "hello \
world \
Good morning"

We can combine multiple echo outputs in one line using the above syntax. '-e ' option asks the echo command to interpret the escape characters.
The output shows the combined outputs of echo command. '' command is used to separate the string in two lines.

Below figure shows the output of echo -e "hello \
world \
Good morning"

echo5 (1)

                                     Fig 7: Multiple echo outputs in one line

To learn head command: https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/wiki/10.-head-command