07. vim_gvim commands - muneeb-mbytes/linux_course GitHub Wiki
Steps to open the file using vim command:
Note:- vim and gvim both are similar but gvim is GUI version of vim editor.
Step-1:- Run the following command from terminal.
command:- vim example.txt (general format:- vim filename.extension)
Figure.1. Creating vim file
Step-2:- vi editor window will open and it will looks like picture given below.
Figure.2. vim editor window
Step-3:- go to insert mode by pressing i from the keyboard.
Figure.3. vim editor in insert mode
Step-4:- write the contents into the file in insert mode and press esc key then type :wq for saving the contents in file and quit.
Note:- in esc mode by typing :q! command file closed without saving the contents.
Figure.4. Content in file and save
vim/gvim commands cheat sheet:
1) cursor movement:
Sr No. | Vim commands | Description |
1 | M | move to middle of screen |
2 | L | move to bottom of screen |
3 | 0 | jump to the start of the line |
4 | $ | jump to the end of the line |
5 | gg | go to the first line of the document |
6 | G | go to the last line of the document |
7 | zz | center cursor on screen |
Tabular column.1. vim/gvim command cheat sheet
2) cut and paste:
Sr No. | Vim commands | Description |
1 | yy | yank (copy) a line |
2 | 2yy | yank (copy) 2 lines |
3 | p | put (paste) the clipboard after cursor |
4 | P | put (paste) before cursor |
5 | gp | put (paste) the clipboard after cursor and leave cursor after the new text |
6 | gP | put (paste) before cursor and leave cursor after the new text |
7 | dd | delete (cut) a line |
8 | 2dd | delete (cut) 2 lines |
Tabular column.2. cut and paste command cheat sheet
3) Insert mode - inserting / appending the text:
Sr No. | Vim commands | Description |
1 | i | insert before the cursor |
2 | I | insert at the beginning of the line |
3 | a | insert (append) after the cursor |
4 | A | insert (append) at the end of the line |
5 | o | append (open) a new line below the current line |
6 | O | append (open) a new line above the current line |
7 | Esc | exit insert mode |
Tabular column.3. Insert command cheat sheet
4) Replacing the word in line
command:- %s/word_to_be_replaced/replaced_word
eg:- %s/hello/hi
in above example hello word will be replaced by hi in file.
vim --help
Using the vim --help command user came to know vim command available options with it's description.
To learn cat command : https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/wiki/08.-cat-command