04. mkdir command - muneeb-mbytes/linux_course GitHub Wiki

mkdir command

Figure.1 represents the mkdir command variations.

Untitled Diagram-Page-9 drawio (3)

                      Figure.1. Representation of mkdir command variation


A directory is a file whose job is to store the file. It is a type of folder in CLI. Home directory - The directory in which you find yourself when you first login is called your home directory. You can go into your home directory anytime using the following command − $cd ~

"~" indicates the home directory.

mkdir command cheat sheet

S.No. mkdir different options description
1 mkdir dir_name Use to created single directory
2 mkdir dir_name1 dir_name2 dir_name Use to create multiple directory
3 mkdir -p dir_name1/dir_name2/dir_name3 Use to create the parent directory and sub directory
4 mkdir -m 777 dir_name To give the rwx permission to the directory
5 mkdir -v dir_name Use to get the confirmation of directory created or not as output
6 mkdir --version Give the license information
7 mkdir --help Give more information about mkdir command

mkdir variations:

MKDIR commands are the basic commands to create the directory. Syntax - mkdir [option] directory_name "mkdir" stands for make directory. Key point- In Linux, the commands and options are case-sensitive.

Commands for creating the directory

mkdir directory_name

This command is used simply to create a directory in Linux.

Figure.2 shows directory is created .


                           Figure.2. Usage of mkdir single dir creation command

GIF.1 shows the whole process from sourcing scripting file till the output.


                                           GIF.1. mkdir single dir GIF 

Github lab link: https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/blob/b7_Team_SiliconCrew/mkdir_commands/mkdir_single_dir.csh

mkdir dir_name1 dir_name2 dir_name3

This command is used to create multiple directories with the use of a single command.

Figure.3 shows two directories is created .

mkdir2 drawio

                           Figure.3. Usage of mkdir multiple dir creation command

GIF.2 shows the whole process from sourcing scripting file till the output.


                                           GIF.2.mkdir multiple dir GIF 

Github lab link: https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/blob/b7_Team_SiliconCrew/mkdir_commands/mkdir_multiple_dir.csh

mkdir -p dir_name1/dir_name2/dir_name3

Flag "p" stands for parent . This flag which enables the command to create parent directories as necessary.(It means , command is use to create parent directories preferably .)

This command is used to create sub-directories in a parent directory. Here, the dir_name1 is the parent directory inside it dir_name2 sub-directory is created and similarly dir_name3 is created inside the dir_name2.
This command is for creating multiple directories but with a hierarchy of parent and child and sub-child. If the directory is already created , while executing this command it will not show any error. It will execute successfully.

syntax : mkdir -p parent_dir/child_dir/sub-child_dir

In figure.4 shows that mangalore is parent_dir, udupi is child-dir and manipal is sub-child dir .

mkdir 4 drawio

                          Figure.4. Usage of mkdir -p parent_child_sub-child

GIF.3 shows the whole process from sourcing scripting file till the output.

3gen mul

                                           GIF.3.mkdir -p parent_child_sub-child GIF

Github lab link: https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/blob/b7_Team_SiliconCrew/mkdir_commands/mkdir_par_ch_subch.csh

mkdir -p dir1 dir2/dir3

By using this command can create multiple directories with hierarchy of two parent directories are created and one child directory for second parent and so on.

syntax : mkdir -p parent1 parent2/child1

Figure.5 shows two parent and one child directory is created . mkdir3 drawio

                          Figure.5. Usage of mkdir -p parent1 parent2/child1 command

GIF.4 shows the whole process from sourcing scripting file till the output.

2gen mul

                                           GIF.4.mkdir -p parent1 parent2/child1 GIF     

Github lab link: https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/blob/b7_Team_SiliconCrew/mkdir_commands/mkdir_par_ch.csh

mkdir –m 777 DirM

This command is used to create a directory DirM with [rwx permissions] The mkdir command by default gives rwx permissions for the current user only. To add read, write, and execute permission for all users, add the -m option with the user 777 when creating a directory. To get the more information about permission modes ,refer to chmod commands.

Figure.6 shows directory is created with read, write and execute permission .

mkdir5 drawio

                          Figure.6. Usage of mkdir -777 command

GIF.5 shows the whole process from sourcing scripting file till the output.


                                           GIF.5.mkdir -m 777 GIF     

Github lab link: https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/blob/b7_Team_SiliconCrew/mkdir_commands/mkdir_777.csh

mkdir –v dir_name(s)

This command gives the feedback of the command. To verify whether the directory is created or not, no need to use the "ls" command after using this command. It will give the output after processing the command.

Figure.7 shows directory is created and receive feedback from CLI .

Untitled Diagram-Page-12 drawio

                           Figure.7. Usage of mkdir -v command

GIF.6 shows the whole process from sourcing scripting file till the output.


                                           GIF.6.mkdir -v  GIF 

**Github lab link: ** https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/blob/b7_Team_SiliconCrew/mkdir_commands/mkdir_verbose.csh

mkdir --version

This command is use to display the version number with some information regarding the license and exits .

mkdir --help

This command display the help related information of the mkdir command.

To learn clear command: https://github.com/muneeb-mbytes/linux_course/wiki/05.-clear_command