Flash Chip, Serial Interface and PS 2 Keyboard - muneeb-mbytes/FPGABoard_edgeSpartan6 GitHub Wiki
Flash Chip
Consists of four pins:
1. NET FLASH_CS LOC = "p38"
Assigns the FLASH_CS signal to pin "p38" on the FPGA device.
This pin is likely used for chip select, which is a signal that enables or disables the flash memory chip for data transfer.
2. NET FLASH_SCK LOC = "p70"
Assigns the FLASH_SCK signal to pin "p70" on the FPGA device.
This pin is likely used for clock input to the flash memory chip, and is used to synchronize data transfer between the FPGA and the flash memory.
Assigns the FLASH_MOSI signal to pin "p64" on the FPGA device.
This pin is likely used for data output from the FPGA to the flash memory chip.
MOSI - Master Out Slave In
Assigns the FLASH_MISO signal to pin "p35" on the FPGA device. This pin is likely used for data input from the flash memory chip to the FPGA.
MISO - Master In Slave Out
Serial Interface
Consists of 2 pins:
1. NET "TXD" LOC = "P117";
Transmit data (output to FTDI that is Future Technology Device International which is a USB to serial converter allowing simple connection to USB) states that there is a net called "TXD" which is located at pin "P117" on the device.
This net is used to transmit data from the device to another device over the serial interface.
In this case, the data is output to an FTDI chip, which is a type of integrated circuit that provides a USB-to-serial interface.
2. NET "RXD" LOC = "P116";
Receive data (input from FTDI chip) says that there is another net called "RXD" which is located at pin "P116" on the device.
This net is used to receive data from another device over the serial interface.
In this case, the data is input from the FTDI chip.
PS/2 Keyboard
PS/2 stands for Personal System/2 which is a standard for connecting input devices such as keyboards and mice to a computer.
Consists of 2 Pins:
1. NET "KBD_CLK" LOC = "p80" | PULLUP;
KBD_CLK : Keyboard Clock
Assigns the location and the pull-up resistor to the clock signal (KBD_CLK) of the PS/2 keyboard on the FPGA board.
The clock signal is connected to pin p80 and is used to synchronize the data transmission between the keyboard and the FPGA board.
The pull-up resistor is used to ensure that the clock signal remains at a high level when the keyboard is not sending any data.
2. NET "KBD_DAT"LOC = "p81" | PULLUP;
KBD_DAT : Keyboard Data
Assigns the location and the pull-up resistor to the data signal (KBD_DAT) of the PS/2 keyboard on the FPGA board.
The data signal is connected to pin p81 and is used to transmit the keystrokes from the keyboard to the FPGA board.
The pull-up resistor is used to ensure that the data signal remains at a high level when the keyboard is not sending any data.