Import data from multiple files into one SQL table step by step guide - munchy-bytes/SchemaMapper GitHub Wiki
In this page, i will describe how to use SchemaMapper to import data from multiple files with different schemas into one SQL table.
In this example, the files contains the credentials of SQL Server instances saved by many users and the goal is to stored them all inside on table in a SQL database.
Flat file
- File extension: .txt
- Columns: server, user, pass
- FilePath: D:\SchemaMapperTest\Password_Test.txt
Excel file
- File extension: .xlsx
- Columns: SQL Instance, username, password, AddedBy
- FilePath: D:\SchemaMapperTest\Password_Test.xlsx
Access database
- File extension: .accdb
- Table name: Passwords
- Columns: ID, Server Name, Login, Password, AddedDate
- FilePath: D:\SchemaMapperTest\Password_Test.accdb
- Schema: dbo
- Table name: Passwords
- Columns:
- [User_Name] nvarchar(255), [Password] nvarchar(255), [Server_Name] nvarchar(255)
- [AddedDate] DateTime (contains current date)
- [UserAndPassword] nvarchar(255) (concatenate user and password using a vertical bar
To initialize the SchemaMapper class you should follow these steps:
- Add
as reference and import theSchemaMapping
using SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Converters;
using SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.SchemaMapping;
- Create a
class and pass the Destination schema and table names as parameters:
SchemaMapper smPasswords = new SchemaMapper("dbo","Passwords");
- Define destination Columns within the
//Define Server_Name , User_Name, Password columns
SchemaMapper_Column smServerCol = new SchemaMapper_Column("Server_Name", SchemaMapper_Column.ColumnDataType.Text);
SchemaMapper_Column smUserCol = new SchemaMapper_Column("User_Name", SchemaMapper_Column.ColumnDataType.Text);
SchemaMapper_Column smPassCol = new SchemaMapper_Column("Password", SchemaMapper_Column.ColumnDataType.Text);
//Define AddedDate column and fill it with a fixed value = Date.Now
SchemaMapper_Column smAddedDate = new SchemaMapper_Column("AddedDate", SchemaMapper_Column.ColumnDataType.Date,DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
//Define UserAndPassword column with and expression = [User_Name] + '|' + [Password]
SchemaMapper_Column smUserPasswordCol = new SchemaMapper_Column("UserAndPassword",SchemaMapper_Column.ColumnDataType.Text,true,"[User_Name] + '|' + [Password]");
//Add columns to SchemaMapper
- Now, you should add all possible inputs for each destination columns
//Add all possible input Columns Names for each Column
smServerCol.MappedColumns.AddRange(new[] {"server","SQL Instance","Server Name"});
smUserCol.MappedColumns.AddRange(new[] { "username", "user", "Login"});
smPassCol.MappedColumns.AddRange(new[] { "Password","pass", "password" });
- All unwanted columns should be added to the
//Sys_SheetName and Sys_ExtraFields are an auto generated columns while reading Excel file
smPasswords.IgnoredColumns.AddRange(new[] { "ID", "AddedBy", "AddedDate", "Sys_Sheetname", "Sys_ExtraFields"});
- Now we should convert files into
//Excel file
DataTable dtExcel;
DataTable dtText;
DataTable dtAccess;
//Excel worksheet
using (SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Converters.MsExcelImport smExcel = new SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Converters.MsExcelImport(@"D:\SchemaMapperTest\Password_Test.xlsx"))
//Read Excel
var lst = smExcel.GetSheets();
//Read only from the first worksheet and consider the first row as header
dtExcel = smExcel.GetTableByName(lst.First(), true, 0);
//Flat file
using (SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Converters.FlatFileImportTools smFlat = new SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Converters.FlatFileImportTools(@"D:\SchemaMapperTest\Password_Test.txt",true,0))
//Read flat file structure
//Import data from flat file
dtText = smFlat.FillDataTable();
//Access database
using (SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Converters.MsAccessImport smAccess = new SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Converters.MsAccessImport(@"D:\SchemaMapperTest\Password_Test.accdb"))
//Build connection string and retrieve Access metadata
//Read data from Passwords table
dtAccess = smAccess.GetTableByName("Passwords");
- After reading data from files, we need to change the tables structure to match the destination table structure:
smPasswords.ChangeTableStructure(ref dtExcel);
smPasswords.ChangeTableStructure(ref dtText);
smPasswords.ChangeTableStructure(ref dtAccess );
- First we have to create an SQL Server exporter class:
SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Exporters.SqlServerExport exp = new SchemaMapperDLL.Classes.Exporters.SqlServerExport();
- To create the Destination Table we used the following command:
string connectionstring = @"Data Source=.\SQLINSTANCE;Initial Catalog=tempdb;integrated security=SSPI;";
- At the end, we have to insert data into SQL. There are two methods to achieve that:
Insert using Bulk insert method
exp.InsertUsingSQLBulk(smPasswords, dtExcel, connectionstring);
exp.InsertUsingSQLBulk(smPasswords, dtText, connectionstring);
exp.InsertUsingSQLBulk(smPasswords, dtAccess , connectionstring);
Insert using stored procedure with table variable parameter
exp.InsertToSQLUsingStoredProcedure(smPasswords, dtExcel, connectionstring);
exp.InsertToSQLUsingStoredProcedure(smPasswords, dtText, connectionstring);
exp.InsertToSQLUsingStoredProcedure(smPasswords, dtAccess , connectionstring);