Toolchain windows setup (no virtualbox) - multirotor/Multirotor GitHub Wiki
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This installation guide assumes that you have a folder called "multirotor". In this guide we put it under C:\multirotor. This will be denoted with [path]\multirotor. Also create a downloads folder within this folder so you have a structure like this: [path]\multirotor\downloads. Put all downloads to this folder so you have them in a single place.
ST-link drivers
Download: Install it, just follow the default guide.
Download Extract it to [path]\multirotor Go to [path]\multirotor\openocd-0.9.0-dev-150204220259\bin Change name of openocd-0.9.0-dev-..... to opeonocd
Openocd 0.9
Download openocd-0.9.0-dev-150204220259 Extract it to [path]\multirotor
Download "Complete package, except sources" Install it to [path]\multirotor, dont remove GnuWin32 that it adds.
Adding to Path
Now we need to add some environment variables.
- Hit windows+pause
- Choose advanced system settings
- Choose environment variables
- Click on the new button under System variables
- Enter GCC as variable name and [path]\multirotor\gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q1-20150306-win32\bin
- Do step 4 again
- Enter MAKE as variable name and [path]\multirotor\make-3.81-bin\bin
- Do step 4 again
- Enter OPENOCD as variable name and [path]\multirotor\openocd-0.9.0-dev-150204220259\openocd-0.9.0-dev-150204220259\bin
- Scroll to Path in the system variables list and click edit
- In the end of the value field add ;%GCC%;%MAKE%;%OPENOCD%;
- Click ok, ok and ok (to finish the work here)
Testing our environment variables
- Hit windows+r
- Type cmd and hit enter
- Type arm-none-eabi-gcc --version, you should see a output with version information.
- Type make --version
- Type openocd --version
Getting the blink led source
If you have not install git do it at
- Open a cmd at [path]\multirotor
- Type git clone
- Type git checkout blinkWindows
- Connect the board
- Open cmd in [path]\multirotor
- Type make and enter
- Type ocd.bat and enter
- Go to control panel->programs->Turn Windows features on or off
- Select "Telnet client"
- Proceed and activate it
- Open cmd anyhwere
- Type "telnet localhost 4444"
- Type "reset halt"
- Type "flash write_image erase [path]/multirotor/Multirotor/blink/build/blinkled.elf"
- Type "reset run"
- Now the green led should blink!
Notes: make clean does not function yet. Make sure to delete the build folder manually if you want to rebuild. Hope this works for you!