Linux toolchain setup - multirotor/Multirotor GitHub Wiki
Windows and VirtualBox
If you only have a Windows OS: - follow e.g. this guide:
- when you get to the hard disk creation dialog, pick "fixed size" and assign around 20GB instead of default 8GB. (8GB is not really enough for (K)Ubuntu.
- start the VM
- go to next chapter
From the VM or if you already run Linux: - open a console ("Konsole" in Kubuntu) and install openocd (write "sudo apt-get install openocd")
- install the debugger ("sudo apt-get install gdb-arm-none-eabi")
- install git (the same way, sudo apt-get...)
- install openocd
- install cmake
- install vim
- install eclipse (do NOT use apt-get, download from the eclipse website (choose "for C/C++ developers", Linux 64bit) and extract it. no "installation" necessary as eclipse is java)
- install eclipse arm plugin
ST cube drivers: - download and extract STM32cubeF4
Step1: Inside Ubuntu, open a terminal and input "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded"
Step2: Continue to input "sudo apt-get update"
Step3: Continue to input to install toolchain "sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi"
Copied from:
openocd setup
We need to use openocd-0.9 because the 0.8 version does not support the nucleo board yet. To download, compile and install do the following:
make a openocd directory, cd to it
Get openocd 0.9 from
Extract it (- do git clone git:// openocd-code)[Amir: This will give you openocd0.10 which is under development, might still work though.]
install libtool (sudo apt-get install libtool)
install autotools (sudo apt-get install autoconf)
install libusb (sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev)
[(Amir): I needed to install pkg-config (sudo apt-get install pkg-config)]
run ./bootstrap
run ./configure --verbose --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-stlink
in case that you run into an error, install libtcl8.5
run make
run sudo make install
openocd test
If you run on VirtualBox, plug in the development board and enable the ST-Link USB connection:
In the running VirtualBox window, go to the menubar --> Devices --> USB Devices --> ST Microelectronics ... ST Link
Now, the ST Link interface should be available from inside VirtualBox
Test connection to the board: sudo openocd -f /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg
If this does not work install the ST-link drivers on your host machine (Windows: Then repeat step 1-3.
- Follow instructions on
- CAUTION: The libraries and header files will be installed at /usr/local/arm-none-eabi, not in /usr/local/... !