7_Implementin lazy loading and Routing - mukeshrathore/base-project GitHub Wiki
step1: creating routing module at application level
Please note while we had generated application, we had used --routing flag with it to create app-routing.module.ts with empty routes.
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step2: create different modules level1 along with --routing
use ng g m <module_name> --routing
command to create modules with routing. Please note that this is a shell module because under-neath it we will create further modules which will be loaded whenever required.
code goes here
- Please note that we don't have to import newly created modules in app.module.ts or app-routing.module.ts
- Declaring 'PageNotFoundComponent' and 'AccessDeniedComponent' not required in inner modules and further down as app routing will take care of wrong/unreachable routes.
step3: create modules under modules level1
again same as step2, we will create routing along with modules.this routing will have components uder routes array.
in the above routes,we have HelperComponent which is an individual component route. which is a base component for exception helper module. we will have search and details compoenents under modules level1 base component. we have used below route-constants in above routes:
Accessing routes in Navigation/Navbar
Below code demonstrate route for single main menu. In similar sense, we can create routes for other main menu items.
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