Installation Instructions - muhopensores/dmc4_hook GitHub Wiki

Installation Instructions

This trainer currently only works on the Vanilla version of the game.

  1. Download the latest dll here (dinput8.dll)

  2. Copy dinput8.dll to the DMC4 root folder, next to your exe.

  • By default this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Devil May Cry 4\
  1. Run the DX9 version of your game. Hit Delete on your keyboard to open the menu to change options.
  • Press Save Config to save your current settings. Your config will be reapplied next time you open the game.

Twitch Setup

Once you have saved twitch info DO NOT send your config to others as it saves your OAuth (something like a stream key) in plaintext.

  1. Download from here

  2. Copy libircclient.dll from to the DMC4 root folder, next to your exe.

  3. Open the game and click the System tab. Scroll down, click "Twitch Integration" and follow the instructions to log in.

Twitch Commands

Gameplay Changes

\NoClip (currently a toggle, should probably be on a timer)



\Quicksilver (qs also works)

Enemy Spawns











