Feature List - muhopensores/dmc4_hook GitHub Wiki
This is no longer maintained but will be left here as a demo of some of the features 4hook includes. These have since been added to helpmarkers within the program.
Borderless Window
Allows you to play the game in Borderless Window mode.
Save Config
Clicking this will save your current settings. Your settings will be loaded next time you open the game.
Player Damage Multiplier
Enables or disables a damage multiplier. Less than 1 = you deal less damage than default, more than 1 = you deal more.
Infinite Health (All)
Disables any entity's health decreasing. By default this is hotkeyed to F1.
Infinite Health (Player)
Disables the player's health decreasing.
Infinite Health (Enemy)
Disables enemy's health decreasing.
No Death (All)
Disables any entity dying while still allowing HP to drop. For practicing against enemies who have AI changes at different levels of HP.
One Hit Kill
Enables one hit kill. This overrides the damage multiplier. By default this is hotkeyed to F3.
Infinite DT
Fills your DT Gauge and stops it from decreasing. By default this is hotkeyed to F2.
Infinite Revives
Revive on the spot whenever you die, for free.
Restore Enemy HP
Pressing lock on + taunt at the same time will restore all surrounding enemy's HP.
Reset Timer
Pressing lock on + taunt at the same time will reset the BP timer.
Enemy Difficulty
Game Mode
Changes current difficulty - allows forced Dante Must Die or God Must Die.
Enemies Don't DT
Disables enemy DT on every difficulty.
Enemies DT Instantly
If you're playing a difficulty where enemies have access to Devil Trigger, they will activate it instantly.
DMD Level AI
Forces enemies to use the ingame DMD AI, even on non DMD difficulties.
Frenzied Boss AI
Forces bosses to use the AI they usually use when low HP.
Start a mission on LDK with this enabled and you'll face DMD enemies rather than SOS enemies.
Enemies Attack Offscreen
By default, most enemies won't start attacks unless they're being viewed by the camera. This disables that check.
Disable Chimera Blades
Stops the blades on chimera infected enemies from attacking.
No DTless Frost Escape
Disables Frost's combo breaker jumpout when outside of DT.
Custom Enemy Slot Limit
Set how many enemies can attack at the same time. Default is usually 1.
Bloody Palace
Randomize BP
All stages other than the first will be randomized. Activate before entering.
Boss Rush Mode
Activate this before you start Bloody Palace and you'll be teleported to Stage 20, 40, etc.
DMD Bloody Palace
Forces the ingame version of DMD. Enemies will take longer to DT than with the Game Mode option.
Enemy Options
Stun Anything
Makes any hit of any stun value stun enemies. Even Lucifer pins.
Remove Launch Armour
Removes the armour enemies gain when downed, allowing you to relaunch for practice instantly.
DT Enemies Don't Stun
Stops enemies from receiving stun from most attacks
Infinite Faust Cloak
Gives Faust Cloaks infinite HP.
Freeze Enemies
Freezes enemies, even if they're midair. Best used with infinite enemy HP.
Berial Daze
Sets Berial to his fireless Dazed state.
Limit Removal
Sword & Gun Switch Limit
By default, there are short timers that must end before two sword or gun switches can be made consecutively. Without this timer, you can swap to distant weapons quickly and more easily do strings like Shotgun > JC > Ebony & Ivory shot.
Enemy Step Limit
By default, there is a short timer that must end before two Jump Cancels can be made consecutively. This cheat removes that timer and allows you to Jump Cancel as often as you want.
- This makes certain sequences much easier. If you're learning the game, I recommend not using this to save getting into bad habits.
Style Switch Limit
By default, there is a short timer that must end before two style switches can be made consecutively. This cheat removes that timer and allows you to Style Switch as often as you want.
- You can buffer Style Switches behind this timer, which makes some techniques easier.
Target Switch Limit
By default, the Target Switch button does nothing while holding the left stick (or WASD) in a direction. This removes that limit and allows you to target switch whenever.
Height Restriction Removal
By default, certain moves are locked behind a height threshold. If you're below that threshold, they cannot be started. This removes that limit.
Shared Abilities
Fast Sprint
Go from Run to Speed faster, even if you're in battle.
No Helmbreaker Knockdown
Helm Breaker + Helm Splitter deal no knockback or knockdown and instead only stun the enemy.
Easy Enemy Step
Enemy Step hitboxes are 50% bigger.
Free Enemy Step
Enemy Step anywhere in the room with an enemy.
You and enemies will ignore walls.
Disable Teleport Planes
Disable the planes that teleport you back to the stage when you noclip out of bounds
Lock Y Pos
Lock your height to explore beyond the environment more efficiently
No DT Cooldown
Disables the cooldown on leaving DT upon entering.
Infinite Air Hike
Infinite Air Hikes.
Enable the Quicksilver hotkey.
Big Head Mode
Head size scales with style.
Swole Mode
Body size scales with style.
Enemy speed scales with your movement speed.
Nero Abilities
Gives Nero a divekick action like in DMC5.
Remap Helm Splitter
Enabled by Payline, this remaps Helm Splitter to back+melee like in DMC5.
Increased Snatch Range
Triples the reach on Snatch.
Infinite Table Hopper
Infinite Table Hoppers, only when triggered like usual.
Infinite Calibur
Allows you to Calibur multiple times without needing to reset air actions.
Dante Abilities
Tracking Full House
If the lock on target is below you (more than 65 degrees), Full House will lock on and track to them like in 3 or 5.
Trick Down
Lets Dante Trick Down with his DMC5 input (back, forward, style).
- If an enemy is directly above Dante, it may register your forward input as a back input and so queue a trick down.
Skip Shotgun
Skips over Shotgun when Gun switching.
Skip Gilgamesh
Skips over Gilgamesh when Weapon switching.
Skip Pandora
Skips over Pandora when Gun switching.
Skip Lucifer
Skips over Lucifer when Gun switching.
Manual Twosome Time
Stops Twosome Time automatically aiming at enemies
Fast Pandora
In DT, you can cycle through Pandora's grounded moves faster. This applies that change outside of DT.
Instant Honeycomb
Honeycomb can be used without doing Twosome Time first by pressing Back>Forward>Style.
Faster Round Trip Charge
Halves the time it takes to charge Round Trip
Active Block
Allows you to block incoming attacks while doing actions.
Release Always Stuns
Release with no meter will stun the enemy.
Infinite Trick Range
Removes the limit on how far you can travel when you Trick.
Instant Trick
Skips one part of the trick animation.
Infinite Sky Stars
Dante gets infinite Sky Stars.
Infinite Dreadnought
Dante's Dreadnought mode is activated and will stay on until this option is unticked.
Fast Quick Drive
Quick Drive skips the initial slash
Easy Quick Drive
Prop is cancellable into Quick Drive until frame 7.
Increased RG Gain
Applies a multiplier to RG gain, making it match 3.
Decreased Backslide Turn Speed
Reduces turn speed on Backslide to make it easier to land without the need of a buffer
Auto Facing Sky Star
Sky star will auto face the enemy you're locked on to.
Disable DT Stinger
Disable DT Stinger.
High Time Weapon Switch
Changing weapons early while holding High Time will still allow you to do the held variant.
Rose Removes Pins
Rather than popping pins, Rose will delete them. Good for practicing things that don't use pins.
Infinite Pin Timer
Pins will only despawn when you hit either the pin limit or throw a rose.
Force Lucifer
Forces Lucifer to never unload (even when you change weapon).
- This stops rose despawning, so may also lead to unintentional instances of the Lucifer Glitch.
Taunt Ecstasy
Pressing taunt in the air as Dante will perform ecstasy.
Rose Survives Enemies
Rose will hit the enemy and then continue past the enemy.
Rose Survives Objects
Rose will sit on whatever surface it lands on until its timer expires.
Infinite Rose Timer
Rose will only despawn when colliding with something or having another placed.
Selective Cancels
Kick 13
Slash Dimension
DT Pin Up Part 2
Gun Stinger
Make certain uncancellable moves of your choice cancellable.
- More options based on requests will be added in future updates, along with timers for more appropriate/legitimate feeling cancel windows.
Disable Darkslayer Inputs
Disable Darkslayer Input Dpad Up
Disable Darkslayer Input Dpad Down
Disable Darkslayer Input Dpad Left
Disable Darkslayer Input Dpad Right
Disables certain Darkslayer inputs.
Area Jump
Bloody Palace Floor Teleports
Type in which BP floor you want to teleport to then hit Go to be teleported to that stage.
Mission Area Teleports
Teleport to any area by clicking its name.
Enemy Spawner
Any clicked enemy will spawn above player coords.
Enemy Replacement
Replace almost any enemy type by clicking the original enemy followed by the desired swapped enemy in the dropdown.
Disable Timer
Stops the BP, Secret Mission and Mission 12 timers from decreasing over time.
Enemy HP Red Orb Display
Displays the last hit entity's HP in the Red Orb count.
Hide Timer
Hides the BP and M12 timer.
Hides only the HP HUD element.
Hide Orbs HUD
Hides the Red Orb display.
Hide Style HUD
Hides the Style display.
Style Dial Only
Hides every element of the HP HUD other than the style dial.
Never Hide Weapons HUD
Disables the fade out on the weapon switch UI.
Disable Camera Events
Skips Camera Events such as when the Portal opens in BP at the end of a Stage.
- Some scenes skipped with this will leave you with a black screen. To get out of this, Pause > Confirm to get into the item menu and then return to gameplay with Exit > Exit.
Skip Mission Intros
Skip Mission Intro Cutscenes.
Skip Mission Outros
Skip Mission Outro Cutscenes.
Force Nero
Force Dante
At the start of a level, you will spawn as whichever character is checked. Does not work for M1.
No Auto Characters
Disables the Auto variants on the character select screen.
Slow Walk
Press and hold the Jump button to walk.
Ignore Red Seal Kill Requirements
Forces the BP Portal to appear and lets you pass Red Seals without killing enemies.
Keyboard Navigation
Gamepad Navigation
Enable keyboard/gamepad navigation throughout dmc4_hook's menu.
Display Messages
Toggle display of the messages that show up at the top left of the screen when pressing a hotkey etc.
Background Input
The game will accept controller and keyboard inputs while tabbed out.
Disable Keyboard Input
Disables your keyboard, useful when using background input.
Fast Game Load
The game will skip all opening screens and load the first save slot.
Fast Menu Fades
Skip the fades between some of the menus.
Fast BP Fade
Skips the BP load fade.
Override FPS Limit
If your FPS is set to unlocked, this will allow you to change the cap. Some things work differently at certain framerates, so this makes experimentation easier.
Turbo Value
Game Speed
Global Speed
Room Speed
Player Speed
Enemy Speed
Allows you to change various game speeds independent of one another.
Disable Game Pause when opening the trainer
The game will not pause when opening the trainer.
Force Custom Turbo
The other speed options are overwritten every room change. This turbo will remain.
Custom Camera Variables
Enable/Disable the following settings.
Camera Height
Camera Distance
Camera Distance (Lockon)
Camera Angle
Camera Angle (Lockon)
Camera FOV
Camera FOV (In Battle)
Allows you to change various camera options.
Disable Autocorrect When Attacking Camera Direction
Disables the camera rotation that happens when you attack towards the camera.
Increased Camera Sensitivity
Increases the camera rotation speed.
Disable Last Enemy Zoom
Disables the zoom-in that happens when you're fighting the last enemy of a room.
Free Cam
Disables ingame camera changes and forces the default free cam. Also enables camera noclip.
Camera Lookdown
When above the locked on enemy, the camera will look down.
Left Side Reset
Right Side Reset
When pressing the camera reset button, the camera will be set to your left/right.
Random Timed Gameplay Mods
Mod Timer
How long the random mod will last.
Cooldown Timer
How long before the next mod starts.
Random mutator mode
Activate random spicy gameplay mods on a timer without connecting to Twitch.
Twitch Integration
Get OAuth Password
Opens https://twitchapps.com/tmi/ to get your personal OAuth.
Connect To Twitch
Disconnect From Twitch
After typing in your username and pasting your OAuth password, hit Connect To Twitch to log in.
- After typing in your details, make sure not to share your dmc4hook cfg, it is saved there.
Log In On Game Boot Automatically
DMC4Hook will press Connect To Twitch
on game boot.
Chaos Mode
Anybody in chat can spawn/edit things in your game with chat commands.
Vote Mode
Chat is given a few options to vote between and commands outside of those are ignored.
Relay Twitch Chat To Devil May Cry 4
Twitch chat will pop up at the top left of your game window.
Try respawning stuff
Respawn enemies that spawned in your current room.
Respawn enemies when visiting the same room mulitple times
When revisiting room, enemies will correctly respawn.
- This option will break mission scoring.
WIP HDD file priority outside of .arc
The game will look for files outside of arcs before looking inside.
Disable Game Pause When Opening The Trainer
Stops the game speed being set to 0 when opening DMC4Hook.
Show Pin Timers
Opens up a UI when pins are placed that shows the time remaining on each pin.
Display Player Stats
View various details about the player character.
Display Enemy Stats
View various details about the currently loaded Enemies.
Display Boss Stats
View various details about the currently loaded Boss.
Enable Save/Load hotkeys
By default these are home, end, page up, page down. These allow you to save and load an enemy's state and position.
Saved info
Allows you to see what you saved with hotkeys.
Self Advertisement
Thank you for supporting dmc4_hook.
Edit any hotkey.
Shows credits and licenses.