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Due to uneducated stuff AKA terrorists (thieves) 🤐, the project will last till judgement day
(status: ongoing 🤪), because of inventing fucken things not based on any scientific background when start developing enterprise-information-systems based on the main specialization java-backend as mentioned before.
There is no manual-verified-information-system in the private to start with for full automation using technology later and a lot of misinformation and mix of unnecessary roles (titles) 🤣 😂 😁 🤔.
Just milk bottles 🍼 🤭 can be found there which is known as Product Model 👻 🙈 🙉 🙊 that applies SAAS Theory. Only manual-verified-information-system AKA accredited-paper-document-system 📚 🖊 🗂 via proven science taught inside a LEGAL university can be found within legal entities who follow governing system rules and laws like banks who are controlled via the central bank, governmental services, ...
They do not build a well designed stable trusted verified production environment
which is the real environment that results from the simulation environment occurred in the testing environment
before receiving live traffic from real end users but with higher resources and more components following the information technology theories which are taught at universities worldwide 🌐.
متلازمة انفصام الشخصية
without verified projects yet from the information technology ministries globally to reach a stable deterministic destination. Just hope the best and fight legally. Its a matter of time before judgment day. They're called the interface of fake money AKA money-laundry.
There is no capacity planning per department. Because there is an over-capacity per each and no-respect regarding meetings attendance where you can conclude that a lot of fake employees are out of service !!!. Just check this example which is by logic makes you conclude that planning and knowledge comes in advance not vice versa ????. Beside that check this clean corporations samples to conclude the gaps.
They do fake job fairs to bring the job market fucken down and do intentional unemployment which affects the currency's stability per country that has direct negative effect connected to the local economy as well.
جيل العواجيز المشبوهين الارهابيين المجرمين عالميا هيطلع دين امه
The fuck-process of old-people is in-progress globally because of their procrastination and laziness.
متلازمة-أصحاب-البلد (متلازمة أسياد البلد زى العربجية اللى بحمار فى الشارع) => الحرامية اللى قاعدين بلطجة فى أراضى الدولة وضع-يد بدون الشكل القانونى عالمياً وهو حق الإنتفاع عن طريق تملك وحدة سكنية كاملة بالمرافق من الدولة بالحجز منها وليس الإستيلاء عليها بالبلطجة كقبائل رجال الأعمال البدوية
Country-owners-syndrome AKA the business-owners-nomadic-tribes-thugs who stole the country's lands without using their right in getting a flat with utilities via buying from the government not stealing.
قول الصواب والخطأ فى وقت واحد تعبر عن عدم أهلية الشخص فى الاندماج فى الحياة ولابد من عزله فى مصحة عقلية للعلاج فورا وعدم اخذ كلامه فى الحسبان
Saying right and wrong at the same time represents a critical mental disorder which shall put the patient under a psychiatry-care immediately.
Uncontacted uneducated isolated nomadic people considered terrorists without citizenship if they couldn't integrate into a country under the umbrella of a government AKA abiding by its law and order.
علية القوم تطلق على مجموعات البلطجية الحثالة ولاد المتناكة المعرصين حيث أنهم يعتقدون أنهم فوق البشر لمجرد تملكهم لنقود مزورة لا قيمة لها.
متلازمة-المعادلات-لدكاترة-الجامعة || formulas-syndrome-of-university-professors
An illusion that infects the patient who can not simply explain the educational contents 🤣. Sometimes it claims that they're a fucken-misery-formulas and no one from the government is interested in its huge fucken formulas that will do a lot lot lot of non-sense bullshit to the fucken society 🤑 😒.
Examples of those patients can be found in colleges where some topics of mathematics are taught as:
- Commerce and a subject from it as faculty of economy 🤭 🤥
- Engineering and alikes as computer science, science, ...
متلازمة-فرح-العيال-الصغيرة-لمرحلة-ما-بعد-القاصر 🤪 🥳 😲 😱 🤡 crazy-happy-kids-syndrome-of-adult-people
|| متلازمة-هوس-السيطرة-الوهمية-بالأخرين
|| fake-control-obsession-syndrome-of-others
It occurs to patients (uneducated-tribes) who are porn in countryside-uncivilized-villages which can be called people from prostitution-families as well.
You can identify rabbles with this syndrome. Sometimes they claim the can control the minds of others as slaves (their countryside inhuman culture) while they're a mere mother fuckers who can not do their shit properly. So watch out when handling them.
Scientist 🤓 term
is a definition of an uneducated-sorcerer-whore.
In reality, it is called an employee with a PHD degree whether it works for a local R&D centers OR for a UN R&D centers. This employee is re-using the science which is specialized in it, NOT doing inventions 🤪 🤡 as savage-barbarians do.
It has the symptoms of fagots or whores, if employee term is not recognized inside its brain. So you can find it lacks the proper communication skills.