The viewpoint selection package - mtpearce/idyom GitHub Wiki

The top-level idyom:idyom function supports viewpoint selection (see above), i.e. searching a space of viewpoints. This uses two functions: run-hill-climber and run-best-first, which take 4 arguments:

  • a list of viewpoints: the algorithm searches through the space of combinations of these viewpoints
  • a start state (usually nil, the empty viewpoint system)
  • an evaluation function returning a numeric performance metric: e.g., the mean information content of the dataset returned by dataset-prediction
  • a symbol describing which way to optimise the metric: :desc mean lower values are better :asc mean greater values are better

Here is an example:

CL-USER> (viewpoint-selection:run-hill-climber 
          '(:cpitch :cpintfref :cpint :contour)
          #'(lambda (viewpoints)
                (resampling:dataset-prediction 0 '(cpitch) viewpoints :k 10 :models :both+) 

   System                                                Score
   NIL                                                   NIL
   (CPITCH)                                              2.52
   (CPINT CPITCH)                                        2.43
   (CPINTFREF CPINT CPITCH)                              2.38

Since this can be quite a time consuming process, there are also functions for caching the results.

(load-vs-cache filename package)
(store-vs-cache filename package)
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