User Stories - mtorgalsboeen/MyVacation GitHub Wiki
#1) As a user, I should be able to create an account in My vacation via my Gmail account, so I can have access to my personal information.
login button will ask to login or create a new account.
When I click on new account, a window will appear from Gmail.
I will have to enter my full name, create a password, my birthday, and phone number.
Once I click on submit, I can go back to My vacation and login using my new Gmail account.
#2) As a user, I should be able to search for places to entertain myself on my vacation. This is so I could experience most out of my vacation and satisfied.
When I search for "entertainment" it should locate and find entertainment nearby(Karaoke bar, festivals, concerts etc).
I could save those entertainments I like for other times.
I could review those entertainments I apply for.
I could get GPS-coordinations do place.
I could see others review for those entertainments.
I could share those entertainments with others.
#3) As a user I would want to save places I like and that I've visited and known is good. In that way, I could also easily access them and from my "log" or "favorites" folder.
I could save places as favorites.
I could comment places, and note what I liked about them.
I could add the places for my next trip.
I could mark the date for when I visited a place.
I could delete places in future.
I could share those locations with others.
#4) As a user, I should be able to create a new unique trip so that I can keep each trip separate and organized.
When I click the “New Trip” button, I am taken to a trip creation page.
I can set the name of the trip
I can optionally set a description for the trip
I can optionally set the start date of the trip
I can optionally set the end date of the trip
I can save the trip
I can cancel the creation
When I click the save button, my trip is saved and listed under my trips.
#5) As a user, I should be able to add a place as a trip favorite so that I can easily include the place anywhere in my trip.
When I click the “Add to Favorites” button a drop-down menu of all my trips are listed.
When I select a trip to add a new favorite place to, a message appears letting me know that it was added.
When I select a trip to add a duplicate favorite place to, a message appears letting me know that the place already exists.
I can cancel adding a favorite
#6)As a user, I should be able to create a To Do list for a specific trip.
When I click the "Create To Do List" button small screen with pop up.
I can name the To Do list.
I can add a single task at a time.
I can save the To Do List.
I can cancel creating the To Do list.
When I click the Done button, my To Do list will be saved and listed under my To Do list for that specific trip.
#7)As a user, I should be able to mark an item on a to do list as completed for a specific trip.
When I click on "To Do Lists" button, I am taken to the To Do Lists page.
When I click on a specific To Do List a small screen pop up the To Do list will appear.
I can check the box associated to the task I have completed
I can save the To Do List.
I can cancel creating the To Do list.
When I click the Done button, my To Do list will be saved and listed under my To Do list for that specific trip.
#8)As a user, I should be able to mark a to do list as completed for a specific trip.
When I click on "To Do Lists" button, I am taken to the To Do Lists page.
When I click on a specific To Do List a small screen pop up the To Do list will appear.
When I check the box to the last task the check list will be marked as completed.
#9)As a user, I should be able to share my list of task to other users, so other users can view my list.
I click on login button to My Vacation
I click on my list and select the list I am going to share.
Press the share button, a message window will appear asking to enter the user e-mail.
Select the send button, a message will appear confirming that my list was shared.
#10) As a user, I should be able to delete trip so that I can keep my trip listing organized.
When I click the “Delete Trip” button, a confirmation window appears.
I can cancel a delete in the confirmation window.
After canceling a delete, the trip is still listed under my trips.
I can confirm a delete in the confirmation window.
After confirming a delete, the trip is no longer listed under my trips.