Milestones - mtorgalsboeen/MyVacation GitHub Wiki

Milestone 1:

Set up the foundation of our application which includes connecting cloud9 with Heroku. This would allow as to then set up a connection to our database using MongoDB. Next step is to set up a connection to Yelp API and to Google sign-in system. Overall, the main goal is to set the basic foundation in order to implement other features. For this milestone styling of application and complex features will not be implemented until the next milestone.

Milestone 2:

Building on the above, we can start implementing methods. Such as allowing the users to create a to-do list or checklist. This feature will allow users to add and remove tasks. We will also implement recommendation feature, in which users can add recommended places for entertainment. Styling and testing would be implemented as well.

Milestone 3:

Determine if extra features have time to be implemented. If so, an extra feature will be implements and tested, however if not then fix any last minute bugs. Overall, the goal is to fix any bugs and put any last touches on the web application so that it is ready to deploy.