Home - mtorgalsboeen/MyVacation GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the MyVacation wiki!

Team Members:

Mathis Torgalsboeen, QA Manager

Thalia Villalobos, Chief System Engineer

Sarah Villegas, Project Manager/Product Owner

Christopher Williams, Chief Software Architect


We aim to create a web application that helps you plan your trip whether it be finding the local restaurant or entrainment to creating to-do list(s). The web application will also let users save their favorite locations food or entertainment destinations as well as manage to-do list(s).


We wanted to create an application that can make vacation planning easier. We realized that there wasn't an application out there that had the ability to create a check/task list and also schedule your vacation with recommendations of places to visit. Our application My Vacation will allow users to plan out their whole vacation from creating a to-do list to sites to visit and more.