Test: Settings - msupply-foundation/open-msupply GitHub Wiki

Display Settings

  • Click on the field dropdown to select a Language -> click between each Language to ensure the translations are displaying properly and the layout of the page stays the same (with the exception of Arabic).
  • Toggle the Custom Theme on -> a text box should appear where you can enter custom code. Save button should be enabled.
  • Toggle the Custom Logo on -> an empty text box should appear where you can enter a link. Save button should be enabled. Hovering over the ⓘ symbol next to 'Custom Logo' will show a text box explaining the necessary format to upload the picture. Note that on omSupply mobile, you need to press the ⓘ symbol for a few seconds for the information to appear.


  • Central Server URL text field should be editable.
  • Site name text field should be editable.
  • Site password text field should be editable. Clicking the eye icon will either hide or show your password.
  • Interval seconds text field should be editable.
  • For the time being, none of the changes can be saved unless the password is entered. If the password is not entered, the Save button is greyed out and not clickable.

Support/Android Settings


  • You can click the 'View' button next to Server Log -> a window will appear, where you can choose a log file. Depending on how big the log file is, it can be split into multiple ones -> omsupply.log will always have the most up-to-date information. You should be able to click on the dropdown field to choose a log file.
  • Clicking 'Save' will download the file.
  • Clicking 'Copy to Clipboard' will copy the file's contents to clipboard
  • Clicking 'OK' will close the window.
  • Download button next to 'Download Database' should be enabled -> clicking the button will download the Database file.
  • In the bottom right corner, omSupply version number should be displayed.


  • You can toggle the Mode between Client and Server. If you are on a Server setting, switching to Client will log you out and present you with the initial setup screen. There, you can select Available Servers -> select your home one. After that, you will need to log into omSupply. When using Client mode, you are unable to download the Database. The rest of the settings should look the same.
  • If you are on a Client setting, switching to Server will not log you out, and you can continue testing as per normal.
  • You can click the 'View' button next to Server Log -> a window will appear, where you can choose a log file. At the moment, there is no functionality to close the window, so you will have to use Android's back button to navigate out of this area.
  • Download button next to 'Download Database' should be enabled -> clicking the button will download the Database file.
  • In the bottom right corner, omSupply version number should be displayed, alongside the Site's name and the server being used. Clicking on a pen icon next to the server will allow you to switch servers.


Label Printing

  • IP Address field should be editable. To test, enter the IP address of the label printer you are using - for example, in the NZ office, you can enter
  • Port number field should be editable
  • Label height field should be editable
  • Label width field should be editable
  • You can then click 'Test' button to print out a test label, or click 'Save' to save the changes. If the test is successful, you will get a short message in the bottom left corner, saying the test/connection is successful.

Barcode Scanners (Desktop/Web Only)

  • You can toggle the Scanner Type between USB Serial and USB Keyboard. If USB Serial mode is selected, you will see an option to Detect one, and connect one to omSupply. The 'Detect' button should be clickable, and a barcode should be visible for your scanner to scan.
  • Note that if your Client is located on a cloud, and not locally, the barcode scanner will not be recognised - you can only connect it if both client and the barcode scanner connect locally.
  • If 'USB Keyboard' option is toggled, the option to detect a barcode scanner disappears.

Configuration (Desktop/Web Only)

  • Initialise store properties for GAPS button should be clickable. Once clicked, it will be greyed out.
  • Edit button next to your store's name at the bottom should appear, allowing the user to enter the necessary GAPS details.


  • Clicking on 'Docs' should bring up a new window, where omSupply documentation is available for reading.


  • When pressing the 'Sync now' button, the 'Number of records to push' should go down to 0, 'Last Sync' and 'User last updated' should be updated to the current time, and Push should move to Pull Central, then Pull Remote, then Integrate. If you are on Remote Site, then it should be Push V6 -> Push -> Pull Central -> Pull Remote -> Pull V6 -> Integrate.
  • In the top right corner, you should be able to click on the QR Code to enlarge it -> this is for an easier integration with Cold Chain, where you can scan the barcode with a camera.


  • Clicking on 'Logout' should show a window, asking to confirm your selection. You can either click 'Cancel' to return to the previous screen, or click 'OK' in which case it will bring you to a login screen, where you can enter your details.