Test: Dispensary - msupply-foundation/open-msupply GitHub Wiki


Patient Registration

  • Go to the “Patients” menu and click the “New Patient” button in the right top corner.

Entering of basic patient information such as name or date of birth

  • A patient window open with the following fields
    • Code - 'Generate' button works
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • DoB
    • Gender
    • Address
    • Phone

Search for existing similar patients to avoid duplicated patient entries

  • The Ok&Next button gets enabled only after you enter values in either First or Last name
  • If any existing patient matches the info as entered while creating, it should up in the Search results
  • For patients found that belong to homestore(logged-in store), see the home icon
  • For patients found that belong to other store(other than logged-in store), see the download icon
    • On downloading the patient, it'll download/fetch patient details from the server

Entering full patient information and finalising the patient

  • In case of no any existing patients found, opt to Ok&Next to proceed
  • Only after mandatory fields (NID, NUIC, name, DoB) are entered, the Create button is enabled which lets us save the patient

Patient List

  • Click on each column header to test the sorting
    • Sorting is ascendent or descendent.
  • Test the filter fields
    • Search by First name - Find patients that have the string combination you put in their first name
    • Search by Last name - Find patients that have the string combination you put in their last name
    • Search by id - Find patients that have the string combination you put in the National ID or NUIC
    • Try multiple fields search, each value you put in a field should combine to reduce your selection
  • Double click on a patient to see it's information
    • You should see it's information
    • You are able to edit the patient details.
    • When clicking Ok the details are saved.

Supplying to a patient - Prescriptions

Create a new prescription:

  • Go to dispensary, 'Prescriptions' and click ‘+ New Prescription’ to create a new prescription. Input form for Prescription will show
  • Enter the Name of the Patient and the Prescriber to use
  • Add a prescription line. Click the (+) New line. Choose some items(with price and input Quantity and Directions. Click Ok & next - to add the next one.
  • Ensure FEFO (first to expire ie the first to go out) is being used to select which batch should be allocated.
  • Input a second item, then try to delete it. The item should be erased from the form
  • Click on 'More' on the right and add a comment.
  • Change the colour of the prescription and it should be saved.
  • Delete any item line by selecting it + clicking on 'Actions' >delete selected lines. The lines selected should be erased.
  • Delete the whole prescription. The record should be erased.
  • As soon as you add at least 1 item the status should change to 'picked', instead of 'New'. You can edit the prescription.
  • Click on 'Confirm as Verified'. The status should change to 'Verified' and you cannot edit the prescription.