Update Your Own Repo with Material from the Class Repo - msu-anthropology/indian-country-ss20 GitHub Wiki

For this example we will make a pull request that brings the changes from the class repo to your own repo.

To begin, click on "New pull request."

The window that opens will look something like this one, with four dropdown menus: "base fork," "base," "head fork," and "compare." In this configuration, the system thinks you're asking to merge changes from your forked repo into the main class repo. For this specific Pull Request, we are looking to reverse these, so it is important to change both forks to reflect the reversed direction.

Start by changing the "base fork." Your own account should be the second entry on the list, under msu-anthropology. When you make this adjustment, the system will detect that both forks are set to the same location, and will remove the fork settings from the screen.

To bring those settings back, click the "compare across forks" link. Once the "head fork" option returns, set it to the main class repo.

After making this selection, the browser window should hopefully update again, to give you the ability to name the Pull Request (although, it will probably have a name based on the commit you did before), write extra details, and create it.

If you have properly made sure you've only made changes to your own project files, the next window will indicate that your Pull Request can be merged automatically. Click "Merge pull request," and then "Confirm merge." After this, your Pull Request is complete and the changes you made should be on the other branch as well.

However, if you accidentally altered another file, or if someone else accidentally altered one of your files, you may see a screen after creating the Pull Request that looks like this, where it says the changes cannot be merged automatically. In this case, please contact me or someone else in LEADR and we will help you resolve the issue.

That's it! If things have gone smoothly, you will have successfully updated your forked repo with the most recent version of the main class repo.