Daily Workflow - msu-anthropology/indian-country-ss20 GitHub Wiki
Begin your day:
- Log into account at GitHub
- Navigate to your own forked repo of the course's project ([username]/indian-country-ss20)
- Create a pull request that will bring new content from the main repo, if anything is new
- Set the destination to your own master branch
- Set the origin to msu-anthropology/indian-country-ss20, master branch
- If the system detects anything new, it will allow you to "Create pull request" after giving the request a title, otherwise it will tell you "There isn't anything to compare"
- If there was new content, complete the process of creating the pull request, "Merge pull request," and "Confirm merge." If you see a purple circle at the end of the process, everything has been completed successfully. If, at any point, the system tells you there is a conflict, then contact your graduate assistant (Zach Francis) for help with resolving the conflict.
- Once your own forked repo has been updated, open the GitHub application on your desktop. Confirm you are viewing the indian-country-ss20 repo in the application, then click "Fetch origin".
- After fetching, your cloned repo on your own computer is up to date. Now you can work on your project.
Working on Your Project and Saving Changes in Atom
- Fetch any changes to your repository.
- Pull those changes.
- Make changes to your site folder.
- Fetch any changes since working (coordinating with your partner is helpful!).
- Pull those changes.
- Stage your saved changes
- Commit your changes and create a commit message.
- Push your changes.
End your day, or push your work to your forked repo on the cloud:
- If you haven't yet committed all your work you've done for the day, do so in the GitHub application on your computer. Confirm you are viewing the indian-country-ss20 repo in the application, and the "Changes" tab.
- You will see a list of changed files on the left, with a couple text fields below. Give your commit a name ("Summary") and then click "Commit to master."
- After you've confirmed you have no work to commit (the application will say there are "0 changed files"), click "push origin"
- If you would like to view your work, use your browser to navigate to the webpage where your work exists. The URL will follow this format:
Turn in your work:
Follow the directions written at Turning in Your Work - Create a Pull Request between Your Forked Repo and the Original Repo