Daily Workflow - msu-anthropology/indian-country-ss20 GitHub Wiki


Begin your day:

  1. Log into account at GitHub
  2. Navigate to your own forked repo of the course's project ([username]/indian-country-ss20)
  3. Create a pull request that will bring new content from the main repo, if anything is new
    • Set the destination to your own master branch
    • Set the origin to msu-anthropology/indian-country-ss20, master branch
  4. If the system detects anything new, it will allow you to "Create pull request" after giving the request a title, otherwise it will tell you "There isn't anything to compare"
  5. If there was new content, complete the process of creating the pull request, "Merge pull request," and "Confirm merge." If you see a purple circle at the end of the process, everything has been completed successfully. If, at any point, the system tells you there is a conflict, then contact your graduate assistant (Zach Francis) for help with resolving the conflict.
  6. Once your own forked repo has been updated, open the GitHub application on your desktop. Confirm you are viewing the indian-country-ss20 repo in the application, then click "Fetch origin".
  7. After fetching, your cloned repo on your own computer is up to date. Now you can work on your project.

Working on Your Project and Saving Changes in Atom

  1. Fetch any changes to your repository.
  2. Pull those changes.
  3. Make changes to your site folder.
  4. Fetch any changes since working (coordinating with your partner is helpful!).
  5. Pull those changes.
  6. Stage your saved changes
  7. Commit your changes and create a commit message.
  8. Push your changes.

End your day, or push your work to your forked repo on the cloud:

  1. If you haven't yet committed all your work you've done for the day, do so in the GitHub application on your computer. Confirm you are viewing the indian-country-ss20 repo in the application, and the "Changes" tab.
  2. You will see a list of changed files on the left, with a couple text fields below. Give your commit a name ("Summary") and then click "Commit to master."
  3. After you've confirmed you have no work to commit (the application will say there are "0 changed files"), click "push origin"
  4. If you would like to view your work, use your browser to navigate to the webpage where your work exists. The URL will follow this format:

Turn in your work:

Follow the directions written at Turning in Your Work - Create a Pull Request between Your Forked Repo and the Original Repo