Methodology (Intellivue MP5) - mshapiro2025/MedBreach-Capstone GitHub Wiki

The first action taken with the Intellivue MP5 Monitor was to dissasemble the monitor in order to Perform an analysis of the chips on the internal PCbs of the device to determine which chips played a significant role in the functionality of the monitor. For this step the monitor was dissasembled enough to analyze the chips but not enough for it to completely lose functionality and allow for software tests to still be run. For the setup of the monitor, it is physically connected to a router in the Leahy Center for Digital Investigation, which allows it to be in its own private network with its own assigned IP. Along with this I also had my laptop physically connected to the same router for testing purposes. For data generation so far I have nmap scanned the monitor on the Leahy Center network in hopes of finding any open ports. For future data I plan to continue to use more offensive tools against the network/monitor itself. Tools that have been used/will be used are ethernet cables, a multimeter, nmap, and a kali and windows machine. One big goal of the project is to try to get a full backdoor onto the monitor just like team82 did in the test mentioned in the references.