Module Airport Simulation - mrzachhigginsofficial/Arma3-ProjectHedes GitHub Wiki


Module Introduction

Module Location: Systems > Project Hedes Airport Sim Modules

The ambient airport simulation module is intended to add some life to the various airports in Arma. The following actions are orchestrated: 1.) Airplaces will spawn at the designated spawn point. 2.) They will fly to the airport closest to the Ambient Airplane Sim Module. 3.) Once landed, pilots will leave their jet and walk to the closest building and despawn. 4.) A new pilot is spawned and walks back to the plane. 5.) The plane takes off, and either proceeds to carry out it's mission (and repeats step 2 through 4), or will despawn at the despawn point module.


Parameter Name Default Value Description
Number of units/vehicles 3 Max number of vehicles in rotation. Recommend keeping this number to a minimum to reduce congestion.
Units Side West What side the vehicles and their crew will join.
Max Fuel 50% How much fuel the plane will have after it lands.
Unit Pool ['B_Plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F','B_Plane_Fighter_01_F'] Types of vehicles spawned (chosen at random).
WP Radius 100 Waypoint completion radius (see
Unit State Timeout 240 How long until the unit is considered lost/bugged and will be removed to prevent further issues.
Simulation Interval 30 How frequently the main thread performs its evaluations, replenishes unit pools, and issues orders.
Unit Init Function true Function or code called when jet/crew are spawned. Params passed are [_jet, _grp]

Setup Example
