Module Ambient Garrison - mrzachhigginsofficial/Arma3-ProjectHedes GitHub Wiki


Module Introduction

Module Location: Systems > Project Hedes Ambient Modules > Area Ambient Garrison

The Ambient Garrison Module allows creators to populate specific areas within their scenario with a group of infantry units. These units can be configured to behave in 1 of 5 ways. Units are only simulated when players are in range, and are only replenished when enemy players are outside their dynamic simulation range. Groups can be configured to patrol, defend, or garrison.


Parameter Name Default Value Description
Units Side EAST Side the units will spawn as. Can be Independent (GUER), WEST (bluefor), or EAST (opfor)
Number of units/Vehicles 5 The max number of units that this group can have. The module will try to keep this group filled when appropriate.
AI Behavior CBA - Waypoint Garrison The mission the group will carry out (always).
SpeedMode LIMITED How fast the group will move.
Array of Units ['O_G_soldier_LAT_F','O_G_soldier_M_F','O_G_soldier_GL_F'] Array of cfgVehicle strings. Supports modded units. See for vanilla.

Unit Behavior Reference

AI Behavior Link
CBA - Defend Has 10% chance to patrol.
CBA - Patrol
CBA - Waypoint Garrison Recommended if you want units to garrison buildings and man guns.
BIS - Defend
BIS - Patrol


Default Module Behavior

  • Units will not spawn if there are any enemy players within range (dynamic simulation range for the scenario).
  • A new group is created and tracked by the module.
  • New infantry units are added to the group until the group is full. Based on max vehicles configuration property.
  • Units are added to the global cleanup list (to be used with the HEDES cleanup module).
  • Unit simulation is paused until any player enters the dynamic simulation range of ANY of the garrison group units.
  • When units are killed, the group is replenished once enemy players leave the dynamic simulation range of any group members.

Alternative behaviors

Synced Triggers

  • This module can be synced to multiple triggers and replicate its behavior across multiple zones.
  • Triggers act as the spawn point (see instructions below).
  • The local trigger that the module creates by default will be disabled and only the synced triggers will be used.
  • The module's behavior will be replicated across all areas.
  • Multiple modules can be synced to a single trigger to create complex garrison behaviors (some units patrol, some units garrison buildings). image image

Synced Sector Control Modules

  • This module can be synced to a sector control module.
  • When the module ownership changes, so does the side of NEW garrisoned units. Old garrison units remain until cleaned up.
  • This feature does not support modded units or custom factions yet. This is on the roadmap but not complete.


In the 3den Editor

  1. Find and place the HEDES Area Ambient Garrison Module.



  1. Optional - Open the module and configure it to your liking.


  1. Optional - Sync Triggers (will disable modules local area)


  1. Place player units outside of the dynamic simulation range.


  1. Test Scenario Pt. 1 - Remain out of range and observe in spectator mode. Note the units have their simulation disabled.


  1. Test Scenario Pt. 2 - Move-in range of module and observe in spectator mode. Note the units have their simulation enabled and are carrying out their configured task.


  1. Go crazy and try to break it. Send me your feedback.


YouTube Example