Combat Zone Modules - mrzachhigginsofficial/Arma3-ProjectHedes GitHub Wiki


Modules Introduction

Project Hedes contains a framework for creating dynamic combat areas. The following diagram demonstrates how these combat zones should be configured. You do not need to add a spawn or LZ for each side. The combat and LZ modules can be resized. If you do not add a spawn point for a side, the respective side will not spawn.


  • If a sides Spawner Type is set to "Infantry On Foot", a landing zone is NOT needed for that side.
  • As of Update 8, a new default setting was introduced. Units are now set to always move towards the current objective, rather than loitering at their originally assigned task. This can be disabled in the combat zone manager module and is global for all sides.
  • Units will spawn whether players can see their spawn point or not. It is recommended to place the spawner modules in a hidden area (like the woods, or an airplane hanger - or wherever you want).


Manager Module

All combat zone code is executed from this module. It is in essence, the "brain". The manager module is responsible for instantiating the main thread, identifying synchronized modules, and building the scenario. Every 30 seconds, the main thread will re-evaluate the combat area, pick a new combat point (if multiple synced) and spawn new units.

  • Combat Zone Manager Module

Spawn Modules

Spawn point modules are synced to the Combat Zone Manager Module. This is where each side will spawn.

  • Independent Spawn Point Module (Incorrectly called GUER Spawn in the April 15th release)
  • East Spawn Spawn Point Module
  • West Spawn Spawn Point Module

Combat Point Module

The combat point module is the area where units will attack. All groups are issued an attack order using BIS_fnc_taskAttack ( This area is resizeable. The manager module will pick a random point within the area to attack.

  • Combat Zone Point Module

Landing Zone Modules

Units will offload at these points. Please note, that para-drops cover a large area. If you are going to use a para-drop, please consider increasing your simulation distance appropriately. During map development, if you would like to see a marker where units are attempting to land, place this in your characters init HEDES_DEBUG=true. The module areas are resizable and units will pick a random point within the module to land. These are NOT needed if the sides spawner type is set to "Infantry on Foot" in the Combat Zone Manager Module.

  • Independent Landing Zone
  • East Landing Zone
  • West Landing Zone

Quick Start Guide

combatpointconfig drawio (3)

Additional Notes

  • If using a custom spawner like NR6, you can use the following code in the group leaders init to have them participate in the attack. In this example, the distance parameter is configurable and assumes the combat zone point module is within 500 meters of the spawned group.
_dis = 500;
_pos = getpos selectrandom(_this nearEntities _dis select {typeof _x == 'HEDES_CombatZoneModules_Point'});
[group _this, _pos] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack;