Data Corruption - mrsperry/overseer GitHub Wiki

Data Corruption

You will be presented with a large grid of hexadecimal numbers in which some numbers will contain a corrupted sequence. The corrupted sequence will always be displayed at the top of the board, however you will not know how many corrupted entries are left.

How to solve

You will need to search through each value listed and check if it contains the corrupted sequence. If so, you may click on it to mark it as found.

Clicking on a value that does not contain the corrupted sequence will fail the hack.

Level modifiers

Each level contains the following modifications:

Level Time to solve Corruption length # of corruptions items per row
1 30 seconds 4 characters 5 corruptions 5 items
2 40 seconds 3 characters 8 corruptions 7 items
3 50 seconds 2 characters 12 corruptions 10 items
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️