Sprint 2 Scrum Meeting 01 - mrrobin07/Auction-System GitHub Wiki




In this meeting we discussed our project and distibute our individual task.

Team Members

  1. Mustafijur rahman robin
  2. A.H. Bayazid
  3. M.M Shohag mia
  4. Al Imran
  5. Al eadin nizhum


There are five types of features will use in sprint 2.

  • Sold player list
  • Team list
  • Bid
  • Search player
  • Change password

Update About The Features

Feature Team Member Deadline progress
sold player List Robin 16th January, 2022 0%
Bid Bayazid 16th January, 2022 0%
Team List Sohag 16th january 2022 0%
Search Player Imran 16th january 2022 0%
Change Password Nizhum 16th january 2022 0%

Problem Occurs

Our team member bayazid faced some issues when he tried to push folder in to our git repository and face some issue linked up in database.

Todays Planing

  1. We have to complete all the task before the deadline.
  2. update the Trello & slack properly
  3. we share our problem and try to sloved them.