Using PlaceholderAPI - mrrhetorical/COM-Warfare GitHub Wiki

Using COM-Warfare placeholders in other plugins

Using COM-Warfare placeholders in other plugins is pretty simple. Make sure you have PlaceholderAPI installed, and that the plugin you want to use placeholders in supports it. Once you have verified those two things, you can use the placeholders below:

%cod_kills%           -  Total amount of kills player has.
%cod_deaths%          -  Total amount of deaths player has.
%cod_experience%      -  Players experience.
%cod_level%           -  Players level.
%cod_prestige_level%  -  Player prestige level.
%cod_credits%         -  Amount of credits player has.
%cod_killstreak_1%.   -  Name of players first killstreak.
%cod_killstreak_2%    -  Name of players second killstreak.
%cod_killstreak_3%    -  Name of players third killstreak.

Using other plugins placeholders in COM-Warfare

Using other plugins placeholders in COM-Warfare is just as easy. All you need to do is put the placeholder(s) in the desired message in the lang.yml file.