Setting up COM Warfare - mrrhetorical/COM-Warfare GitHub Wiki

Match Requirements

COM-Warfare requires that at least a few things are set up before it can be played. These things include:

  • A set lobby location. See: setting the lobby
  • At least one map, or at least 2 maps for every game instance you plan to run concurrently on the same server. See: creating an arena
  • At least one primary and one secondary weapon. It is recommended to also have at least one lethal and tactical grenade. See: creating a gun, creating a grenade

Game mode specific requirements

Some game modes require more or less things to be functional than others. They are listed below.

Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Arcade, Infected, and Search & Destroy

For Team Deathmatch (TDM), Kill Confirmed (KC), Arcade (RSB), Infected (INFECT), and Search & Rescue (RESCUE), you will need to set at least one red spawn point and one blue spawn point. It is recommended, however, to have at least half of the amount of maximum total players per game set per team set by the config.


Free-for-All (FFA) requires that you have at least as many spawn points for the pink team as the amount of players.max as set by the config.

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag (CTF) requires that you have at least one spawn point for the red and blue team, as well as having both a red and blue flag set. For command, see: setting flags


Domination (DOM) requires that you have at least one spawn point for the red and blue team, as well as having Flags A, B, and C set. For command, see: setting flags


Hardpoint (HARDPOINT) requires that you have at least one spawn point for the red and blue team, as well as having at least one hardpoint flag set. For command, see: setting flags

One in the Chamber

One in the Chamber (OITC) requires that you have at least as many spawn points for the pink team as the amount of players.max as set by the config, as well as having a gun for OITC set by the /cod add command*. The command is as follows: /cod add oitc (gun name), where the gun name is the name of the gun as you have it added to COM-Warfare. The /cod add command is global, rather than per-arena.

Gun Game

Gun Game (GUN) requires that you have at least as many spawn points for the pink team as the amount of players.max as set by the config, as well as having at least 3 guns added to the tree by the /cod add command*. The command is as follows: /cod add gun (gun name), where the gun name is the name of the gun as you have it added to COM-Warfare. The /cod add command is global, rather than per-arena.

Setting the lobby

The lobby is the location in COM-Warfare where players will be sent between games to wait for matches to start. The lobby location is needed to play COM-Warfare. To set the lobby, use the command /cod set lobby. Using the command will set the lobby location to your current location.

Creating an arena

The second step in properly setting up COM-Warfare is to create an arena. You can do so by doing the following:

  1. Create an arena using the command /cod createMap (arenaNameWithNoSpaces). Make sure that you do not have any other arenas with this name, as it should be unique. An error message will be relayed if you attempt to create a map with a name that's already in use. During any point in the map creation process, you may type /cod listMaps to show a list of arenas, which includes a map state. If the map state is UNFINISHED, you will need to set up the map to be played with at least one game mode.
    1. To remove a map, use the command /cod removeMap (arena name).
  2. The next step in creating an arena is to set spawns. Depending on which modes you want to be play on the map, you will have to set up spawns in different ways. To set up spawns for team modes, skip to step 2.ii . To set up spawns for free-for-all based modes, continue to section 2.i .
    1. To create spawns for Free-for-all based modes (Free for all, One in the chamber, Gun Game) use the command /cod set spawn (arena name) pink. In order for free-for-all modes to be playable in an arena, you will need at minimum an amount of spawns equal to the players.max config value.
    2. To create spawns for team based modes (Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, etc.) use the command /cod set spawn (arena name) [red/blue]. To set spawns for the red team, use red as the last parameter, and to set spawns for the blue team, use blue as the final argument.

Setting flags


To create a flag for use in the game mode Hardpoint, assuming you already have a map created, you will use the command /cod set flag (map name) hardpoint. This will create the flag spawn point at your current location. For hardpoint, it is recommended to create at least 5 distinct flag spawns per map, however, the mode will be playable with only one.

Capture the Flag

To create a flag for use in Capture the Flag, assuming you already have a map created, you will use the command /cod set flag (map name) [red/blue], where as the final argument you would put red if you wanted to set the red flag, and blue if you wanted to set the blue flag. There may only be one red or blue flag spawn point per map. This will create the flag spawn point at your current location.


To create a flag for use in the game mode Domination, assuming you already have a map created, you will use the command /cod set flag (map name) [a/b/c], where the final argument you would put a, b, or c, to set either the Alpha, Bravo, or Charlie flag spawn point. There may only be one Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie flag spawn point per map. This will create the flag spawn point at your current location.

Creating a gun

  1. To create a gun, first create it with your gun plugin you are using.
    1. If you are plan to play one in the chamber, make sure that you create a separate gun for the mode that uses ammo directly from inventory, rather than using abstracted ammo.
  2. Secondly, you will use the command /cod createGun (Gun Name) [Primary/Secondary] [level/credits/both] (Ammo Amount) (Gun Material) (Ammo Material) (Level Unlock) (Cost). This is a bit of a hefty command, and will be supplemented with an easier to use gun creation GUI in a future update. Let's break down the different arguments in this command.
    1. The Gun Name argument is simply the name of a gun. If the gun is created using CrackShot or QualityArmory, use the exact CaSe SeNSiTiVe name that said gun has in your gun plugin.
    2. The parameter Primary/Secondary determines whether the weapon will be used in the primary gun slot or secondary gun slot in players' loadouts.
    3. level/credits/both describes the method players will use to unlock the gun.
      • With an unlock type of level, players will immediately unlock the gun for use in create-a-class as soon as they reach the level specified in a later argument.
      • If the unlock type is credits, the player will be required to purchase the gun from the shop using the amount of credits specified in a later argument.
      • If the unlock type is both, the player will be required to purchase the gun from the shop using the amount of credits specified in a later argument only after first reaching the level specified in a later argument.
    4. Ammo Amount is the amount of ammo that will be given to the player when spawning with the weapon equipped.
    5. Gun Material is the gun material of the weapon that will be used. This uses the Material enum (not case sensitive) found on the spigot documentation found here.
      • (Optional) This can be combined with a data value / damage value by putting a colon (':') without a space after the material name and the data value after. Example: iron_axe:40 would be an iron axe with a data value of 40.
    6. Ammo Material is the ammo material of the weapon that will be used. This uses the Material enum (not case sensitive) found on the spigot documentation found here.
      • (Optional) This can be combined with a data value / damage value by putting a colon (':') without a space after the material name and the data value after. Example: clay_ball:12 would be a clay ball with a data value of 12.
    7. Level Unlock is the level required to unlock the weapon if the unlock type is either of type level or both. If the unlock type is set to credits, leave this value at 0.
    8. Cost is the amount (in credits) required to purchase the unlock type is either of type credits or both. If the unlock type is set to level, leave this value at 0.

Creating a grenade

  1. To create a gun, first create it with your gun plugin you are using.
  2. Secondly, you will use the command /cod createWeapon (Grenade Name) [Lethal/Tactical] [level/credits/both] (Grenade Material) (Level Unlock) (Cost). This is a bit of a hefty command, and will be supplemented with an easier to use gun creation GUI in a future update. Let's break down the different arguments in this command.
    1. Grenade Name is the name of the grenade. If the grenade is created using CrackShot or QualityArmory, use the exact CaSe SeNSiTiVe name that said gun has in your gun plugin.
    2. The parameter Lethal/Tactical determines whether the weapon will be used in the lethal or tactical grenade slot in players' loadouts. To determine what slot a grenade should go in, if it is less than lethal, such as flashbangs, smoke grenades, etc., it will be best to put that in the tactical slot, and leave the lethal slot for grenades, explosives, etc.
    3. level/credits/both Is the same for grenades as it is for guns. See what it does here.
    4. Grenade Material is the grenade material of the weapon that will be used. This uses the Material enum (not case sensitive) found on the spigot documentation found here.
    5. Level Unlock is the same for grenades as it is for guns. See what it does here.
    6. Cost is the same for grenades as it is for guns. See what it does here.