Front end specific Packages - mrmartineau/SublimeTextSetupWiki GitHub Wiki

Below is a list of all the good packages for front-end development


By Sergey Chikuyonok - Install through Package Control

Emmet (previously known as Zen Coding) is a web-developer’s toolkit that can greatly improve your HTML & CSS workflow. Have a look through the comprehensive documentation for a taste of how powerful this plugin is: Docs & demo

Useful keybindings & shortcuts:

ctrl+alt+enter Enter Koan (Live output of zen abbreviations)

mb10 > margin-bottom: 10px;

d:b > display: block;


By Germán M. Bravo - Install through Package Control Only for ST2

Inline lint highlighting for the Sublime Text 2 editor. You're gonna want to disable the CSS Linting so copy any modified settings to User/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings.

View/Download my settings

JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets

By Zeno Rocha - Install through Package Control

Lots of javascript snippets.


By Zander Martineau - Install through Package Control

This package provides snippets for most of jQuery's methods making the API even easier to use. Browse the repository to see what snippets are included, usually the tabtrigger is the name of the snippet.

#HTML5 By Zander Martineau - Install through Package Control

Add HTML5 syntax mode & snippets to ST2. Browse the repository to see what snippets are included, usually the tabtrigger is the name of the snippet.

Syntax Highlighting for Sass

By Peiwen Lu - Install through Package Control

Sass and SCSS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

Sass Snippets

By Zander Martineau - Install through Package Control

A collection of Sublime Text snippets & functions to be used with SASS. Most snippets are to be used specifically with .scss


By Dan Rogers - Install through Package Control

LESS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

Nettuts+ Fetch

By Nettuts+ - Install through Package Control

Fetch the latest version of remote files and zip packages.

View/Download my settings

Nettuts+ introduction to Fetch


Type fetch into Command palette


By Monnoroch - Install through Package Control

ColorHighlighter underlays selected hexadecimal color codes (like "#FFFFFF") with their real color.


By badsyntax - Install through Package Control