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Generic instructions are as follows:

  1. Create disk image with case sensitive file system.
    hdiutil create -size 8.3g -type SPARSEBUNDLE -fs HFSX -volname OpenFOAM -fsargs -s OpenFOAM.sparsebundle

  2. Mount created disk image into $HOME/OpenFOAM
    hdiutil attach -mountpoint $HOME/OpenFOAM OpenFOAM.sparsebundle

  3. Extract sources in $HOME/OpenFOAM (or clone source there if you are building git version)

  4. Install software dependencies (such as OpenMPI and Scotch).

  5. Go to $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-<VER> (where <VER> corresponds to selected version)

  6. Download patch for selected version

  7. Apply patch
    git apply OpenFOAM-<VER>.patch

  8. Create preferences file prefs.sh in $HOME/.OpenFOAM

  9. Issue source etc/bashrc command to set up environment.

  10. Increase maximum number of open files (necessary for creation of certain lnInclude folders)
    ulimit -n 8912

  11. Execute Allwmake script.

  12. Wait.

  13. Test installation.

  14. Add environment setup pieces to your $HOME/.zprofile file.

Guides for specific versions

  1. ESI OpenFOAM(R) and Homebrew
  2. Foundation OpenFOAM(R) and Homebrew

Misc guides

  1. Create APFS volume
  2. Resize disk image
  3. Post-configuration
  4. Testing installation

Archived guides

  1. OpenFOAM(R) 3.0.x and WM_LABEL_SIZE=64
  2. Notes on El Capitan
  3. Binary archives
  4. OpenFOAM(R) release adn Homebrew
  5. OpenFOAM(R) git version and Homebrew
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