Placeholders - mrgeneralq/sleep-most GitHub Wiki


These only works within SleepMost plugin file. If you want to use any placeholders outside of SleepMost, check out PlaceholderAPI list.

placeholder description
%sleeping% Display wether you are sleeping or not.
%required% Display how many players are required to sleep.
%sleeping-count% Display how many players are sleeping.
%sleeping-required-count% Display how many players are required to sleep.
%version% Display current Sleep-Most version.
%latest-version% Display latest Sleep-Most version available.
%updateLink% Display the update-link for Sleep-Most.
%player% Display playername.
%dplayer% Display displayname.
%world% Display worldname.
%skip-cause% Display the reason for skipping. (night, storm etc.)
%remaining% Display the remaining time of sleep.


placeholder description
%sleepmost_sleeping-percentage% Display the percentage of players that are sleeping.
%sleepmost_sleeping-count% Display the number of players sleeping.
%sleepmost_players-required% Display the number of players required to sleep.
%sleepmost_sleeping% Display wether you are sleeping or not.
%sleepmost_remaining-count% Display the remaining amount to sleep.
%sleepmost_"flagName"_flag% Display the value of the specific flag.