Permissions - mrgeneralq/sleep-most GitHub Wiki

Overview Permissions

NOTE: You may need a permission plugin to be able to give out permissions. Some recommended permission plugins are Luckperms, PermissionsEx or PowerRanks.

permission description Open the help menu
sleepmost.enable Enable sleepmost for the world you are in
sleepmost.disable Disable sleepmost for the world you are in
sleepmost.setflag Set a flag value for the world you are in
sleepmost.reset Reset all flag values of sleepmost to their default values. Show a list of all flags for that world
sleepmost.version Show the version number you are running
sleepmost.reload Reload the config file
sleepmost.bed Teleport to your nearest bed location
sleepmost.setops Configure one player sleep
sleepmost.sleep Allow the player to sleep without entering the bed
sleepmost.exempt Get excluded in the sleep requirement
sleepmost.notify Negate this permission to get rid of "World not enabled" message

For information about commands related to these permissions, read Commands