Flags - mrgeneralq/sleep-most GitHub Wiki
Sleep most is using flags for world specific configurations. Everything that is a flag is a property that can be configured per world. This is different for configurations such as messages which will be the same for all worlds.
Whenever the world is enabled, all flags will automatically be prepared in the config file for that world. In order to configure the flags, you can use the following command:
/sm setflag <flagName> <flagValue>
NOTE: It is not recommended to make manual changes to the config files for setting the flags.
Below you can find a full list of all available flags and the expected value or format. All the flag values can be configured by using the command
/sm setflag <flagName> <flagValue>
Flag Name | Expected value | Description |
percentage-required | decimal | Percentage required to skip the night for that world |
mob-no-target | true | false | When true, mobs will not attack you when in the bed |
use-exempt | true | false | When set to true, players with the sleepmost.exempt permission will not be counted as required to sleep |
use-afk | true | false | When set to true, AFK players will not be counted as required to sleep |
prevent-sleep | true | false | When set to true, players cannot sleep in that world |
prevent-phantom | true |false | Prevent phantoms from spawning and reset the counter after sleeping |
nightcycle-animation | true | false | Show animation of time speeding up after sleeping |
storm-sleep | true | false | Allow players to sleep during thunderstorms |
calculation-method | percentage | players | Set the type of calculating when players required to sleep is met. |
players-required | number | Set the number of players required to sleep if the calculation method is set to players |
skip-delay | number | Set the amount in seconds between skipping night/storm and the player going to sleep |
heal | true | false | Heal the player after sleeping |
feed | true | false | Feed the player after sleeping |
exempt-below-y | number | All players below the given Y-axis (miners) will not be included as sleepers. -1 = disabled |
exempt-creative | true | false | When set to true, creative players wil not be taken into account for the amount of required sleeping players |
exempt-spectator | true | false | When set to true, spectator players wil not be taken into account for the amount of required sleeping players |
allow-cmd-sleep | true | false | When enabled, the player can use the /sm sleep command |
clock-animation | true | false | When enabled, the clock animation will play if the nightcylce-animation is enabled |
use-bossbar | true | false | When enabled, a bossbar will be visible to show how many players are asleep (appears when first person goes to sleep |
use-title-night-skipped | true|false | When enabled, titles will be visible when the night is skipped |
use-title-storm-skipped | true|false | When enabled, titles will be visible when the storm is skipped |
use-sound-night-skipped | true|false | When enabled, a sound will play when the night is skipped |
use-sound-storm-skipped | true|false | When enabled, a sound will play when the storm is skipped |