Commands - mrgeneralq/sleep-most GitHub Wiki

Overview commands

Command permission description
/sleepmost Open the help menu
/sm enable sleepmost.enable Enable sleepmost for the world you are in
/sm disable sleepmost.disable Disable sleepmost for the world you are in
/sm setflag <flagName> <value> sleepmost.setflag Set a flag value for the world you are in
/sm reset sleepmost.reset Reset all flag values of sleepmost to their default values.
/sm info Show a list of all flags for that world
/sm version sleepmost.version Show the version number you are running
/sm reload sleepmost.reload Reload the config file
/sm bed sleepmost.bed Teleport to your nearest bed location
/sm setops sleepmost.setops Configure one player sleep
/sm sleep sleepmost.sleep Allow the player to sleep without entering the bed
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️