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Sleep Most

Welcome to the sleep most Wiki. On this Wiki, you can find all the documentation you need in order to fully understand and configure sleep most.


  • configure how many percentages have to be reached
  • **animated **night to day cycle (time speeding up)
  • **NEW **exclude certain people from the algorithm
  • configure all messages including colors
  • configure the prefix for each message
  • skip thunderstorms based on voting
  • different messages for storm and night
  • configure percentage required for each world
  • Anti-spam: configure the amount of time for the messages to cool down before showing up again per player (much-requested)
  • configure everything using commands
  • use flags to define properties for each world
  • plugin will auto-check on login if there is a newer version
  • detect AFK players (new)
  • NEW: Clock Animation
  • NEW: Customizable bossbar


System Requirements

  • A plugin-based server. (Bukkit, Spigot or Paper servers works perfectly fine).
  • Minecraft 1.8 or newer.
  • Optional but recommended: PlaceholderAPI plugin (To use placeholders outside of the plugin).


  1. Download sleep-most-x.jar (where x is plugin version) from the spigot page here.
  2. Put the jarfile inside plugins folder.
  3. Start the server.
  4. Enable the plugin in the world(s) you want it in with the command /sm enable and customize with any flags you want.