DEV Setup - mrdavidlaing/stackato-buildpack-wordpress GitHub Wiki
This page documents how to set up a development environment for the stackato-buildpack-wordpress buildpack.
- Clone a project that uses the buildpack; eg, onto your workstation (vm host), and follow its setup instructions until you have a working dev server.
- Now clone this buildpack repo onto your workstation (vm host) alongside the above project so that you have a setup on your workstation similar to the following
~/Projects/pressupbox-development-boilerplate <--- A
~/Projects/stackato-buildpack-wordpress <--- B
- Startup A's vagrant dev server,
vagrant ssh
in and trigger a build (normallygrunt build
). Note where the buildpack is downloaded to (normally~/buildpack
) vagrant halt
A's dev server. Edit A'sVagrantfile
to add a new shared folder mapping from B into A's buildpack. eg:
config.vm.synced_folder "~/Projects/stackato-buildpack-wordpress", "/home/vagrant/buildpack"
vagrant up
A's dev server. Note that this time the files in the buildpack folder on A's dev server VM are actually mapped from B on the host.
Host A dev VM
~/Projects/stackato-buildpack-wordpress --> /home/vagrant/buildpack
- Edit B on your workstation. Test by running A's build (i.e,
grunt build
from inside A's dev server VM)