Build and Install - mpsilfve/FinnPos GitHub Wiki


Installation is straightforward on a Debian based Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu or Linux Mint (tested in Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS), or Mac OS X. There are very few requirements, so installation should be fairly easy on other systems as well, e.g. Windows or RedHat Linux.

You need a C++ compiler (tested with Ubuntu clang version 3.0-6ubuntu3). Compatible versions of clang++ and g++ should work out of the box.

You also need a Python 3 interpreter (tested with Python 3.2.3).

Finally, you need git for cloning the FinnPos repository.

Getting the source code

You first need to clone the FinnPos repository

git clone

Building and installing FinnPos

If you want to use g++ instead of clang++, change the line


in FinnPos/src/tagger/Makefile into


In the directory FinnPos, run


By default, FinnPos utilities are installed in /usr/local/bin and FinnPos models in /usr/local/share/finnpos. If you are happy with these default directories, install by running

sudo make install

in the directory FinnPos. If you would rather install under another directory, run

sudo make install -e INSTALL_DIR=path_to_directory

Building and installing FinnTreeBank tagger

FinnPos includes training data for a statistical tagger and lemmatizer for Finnish called FinnTreeBank tagger. FinnTreeBank tagger requires the OMorFi morphological analyzer. You can get the morphological analyzer as an HFST transducer from the FinnPos release page.

Download morphology.omor.hfst.gz from the release page, extract the gz archive and place the binary morphology.omor.hfst in directory FinnPos/share/finnpos/omorfi/

The run make, make ftb-omorfi-tagger and finally sudo make install and sudo make install-models. If you do not want to install in the default install directory /usr/local/, use the -e INSTALL_DIR=path_to_directory option with sudo make install.