Paste - Paste the node from the system clipboard to the currently selected location on a tree
Find and Replace
Find - Search through the solution and libraries to find a node that matches the request
Replace - Search through the solution to find a node that matches the request and allows to specify what will be inserted in the place of the matched string or expression
All References - Search through the solution and libraries to find a node referenced by the selected node
Find Unused Nodes - Search through the solution to find nodes not referenced by any other node
Go To ... - Go to nodes coupled with the selected node
Add - Add a note (custom comment) to the selected node.
Remove - Remove a note (custom comment) from the selected node.
Toggle Bookmark - Add or remove a bookmark on the selected node
Disable/Enable All Bookmarks - Disable or enable the check boxes for all bookmarks in the Bookmarks window. Do not remove bookmarks or alter the lines of code that they mark
Disable/Enable Bookmarks - Disable or enable current bookmarks in the Bookmarks window. Do not remove bookmarks or alter the lines of code that they mark
Previous Bookmarks - Select the previous bookmark that is enabled in the Bookmarks window. When the first bookmark is reached jump ahead to the last one
Next Bookmark - Select the next bookmark that is enabled in the Bookmarks window. When the last bookmark is reached jump back to the first one.
Clear All Bookmarks - Remove all bookmarks
Object - Create an object based on the selected type definition