Timeline for the Migration - mpi-forum/mpi-issues GitHub Wiki
Below is the expected timeline for the MPI Forum SVN+Trac to Git+Github migration:
7 Oct 2015:
- SVN has been made read-only.
- MPI Forum members need to send their Github usernames to Wesley / Jeff
13 Nov 2015:
- Trac will be made read-only. This means:
- Working groups can no longer edit wiki pages on Trac (!)
- Working groups must migrate Trac wiki pages to Github wiki pages
- Working groups must migrate Trac tickets to Github issues
- Trac will be made read-only. This means:
7 Dec 2015: First MPI Forum physical meeting that will (only) use Github issues and pull requests
- Agenda items will only be accepted if they have corresponding Github issues + pull requests. No Trac tickets will be accepted.