Fork the MPI Forum mpi standard repo (on GitHub) - mpi-forum/mpi-issues GitHub Wiki
Previous: Clone the main MPI standards document repo
The mpi-forum/mpi-standard
repo on GitHub is only available to members of the GitHub mpi-forum
Members can create a GitHub fork of the mpi-forum/mpi-standard
- A GitHub fork is essentially a clone of the
repo hosted at in a GitHub user's personal account. For example, if userwesbland
forks thempi-forum/mpi-standard
repo, he will end up with awesbland/mpi-standard
repo. - Just like the main
repo, thewesbland/mpi-standard
repo will be private and not viewable by those who are not members of thempi-forum
GitHub organization. - The reason individual MPI Forum members make their own forks is because the MPI Forum repository is only writable by the Editor of the MPI Forum. As such, MPI Forum members propose new text for the document by pushing git commits containing their proposed changes to their own fork, and then creating a GitHub pull request back to the main
repository (we'll get to the details of how to create a pull request a little later).
Create a fork of mpi-forum/mpi-standard
via the GitHub web interface by visiting
Once the fork is created, you can add that remote in the same way you added the working group remote:
# Add a remote for the user "wesbland" and call the remote "myfork".
# You should substitute in your own username (and possibly a different
# remote name to your liking).
$ git remote add myfork [email protected]:wesbland/mpi-standard.git
# You can see the new "myfork" remote:
$ git remote -v
ftwg [email protected]:mpiwg-ft/mpi-standard.git (fetch)
ftwg [email protected]:mpiwg-ft/mpi-standard.git (push)
mpi-standard [email protected]:mpi-forum/mpi-standard.git (fetch)
mpi-standard [email protected]:mpi-forum/mpi-standard.git (push)
myfork [email protected]:wesbland/mpi-standard.git (fetch)
myfork [email protected]:wesbland/mpi-standard.git (push)
Just like above, let's now download all the data from the new remote we just added:
# Download data from all the remotes that we have defined.
# Note that there is nothing new to download from "ftwg" and "main"
# in this case.
$ git fetch --all
Fetching ftwg
Fetching main
Fetching myfork
remote: Counting objects: 1615, done.
remote: Total 1615 (delta 169), reused 169 (delta 169), pack-reused 1446
Receiving objects: 100% (1615/1615), 3.35 MiB | 2.88 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (982/982), completed with 46 local objects.
* [new branch] mpi-1.x -> myfork/mpi-1.x
* [new branch] mpi-2.x -> myfork/mpi-2.x
* [new branch] mpi-3.x -> myfork/mpi-3.x