Access to the MPI Forum private repository - mpi-forum/mpi-issues GitHub Wiki

Previous: Initial GitHub setup Next: Clone the main MPI standards document repo

Access to the private mpi-forum/mpi-standard repository will be freely granted to anyone willing to agree to these requirements:

  1. The source code of the MPI Standard must always be kept in a private repository. Github will enforce that this remains true for Github hosted repositories, but this must also be true for unofficial repositories hosted elsewhere (Bitbucket, GitLab, local repositories, etc.).
  2. All publicly available compiled versions of the MPI Standard must include the watermarks indicating that it is a draft version of the MPI Standard and not an official version.
  3. Anyone requesting access to the source code must have an account on GitHub to more easily manage access.

These requirements are not meant to be exclusionary; they are only intended to prevent unofficial versions of the MPI Standard from being created and causing confusion for users.

To get access to the private source repository, send an email request containing:

  1. A statement agreeing to the above conditions
  2. Your GitHub username

to Wesley Bland (@wesbland).

Previous: Initial GitHub setup Next: Clone the main MPI standards document repo