Week 1: Raspberry Led Control - mparra-mpz/week-of-code GitHub Wiki

Hardware Components

Software Components

Hardware Assembly

Raspberry GPIO Map

Connect the GPIO 21 to a 220[Ω] resistance, then connect the led's anode to the ground and finally connect the led's cathode to the 220[Ω] resistance.

Hardware Assembly

Software Development

I suggest review the Raspberry Pi documentation in case of problems with the Raspberry Pi. Wiring Pi install documentation is very easy to follow, so we won't spent time on that. I suggest use the command gpio readall to identify the GPIO scheme in the Wiring Pi configuration (In my case GPIO 21 is pin 29).

// Wiring Pi library setup.

// Set pin GPIO 21 (pin 29) as output.
pinMode(29, OUTPUT);

// Turn on the GPIO 21.
digitalWrite(29, HIGH);

// Turn off the GPIO 21.
digitalWrite(29,  LOW);