Soil parameters - mpaiao/ED2 GitHub Wiki

SOILS <soil></soil>

Variable Units Description
water_stab_thresh kg/m2 Threshold beyond which a temporary water layer is considered stable and is thus treated independently in the integrator
infiltration_method flag specifying infiltration scheme. For now, the only available option is scheme 0.
dewmax kg/m2/s maximum rate of dew formation
vegetation_database character string location of the OGE database. We use this to determine the land-sea mask.
soil_database character string Location of the FAO soil database. We use this to determine soil textural class.
soilstate_db character string Location of the file containing the initial conditions for soil temperature and soil water. For more information on the file itself, see documentation on the Soil State File.
soildepth_db character string Location of the file containing soil depth information. For more information on the file itself, see documentation on the Soil Depth File.
isoilstateinit Flag (0/1) Set this to 0 for uniform soil water and soil temperature initialization based on namelist values. Set this to 1 to initialize soils according to soilstate_db.
isoildepthflg Flag (0/1) Set this to 0 for uniform soil depths based on namelist values. Set this to 1 to set soil depths according to soildepth_db.
runoff_time sec rate of decay in surface moisture to runoff (used if hydro:useRUNOFF = 0)
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