Radiation parameters - mpaiao/ED2 GitHub Wiki
Note: some of these parameters have been superseded by PFT level parameters
Variable | Units | Description |
mubar | dimensionless | Parameter derived from the distribution of leaf orientation angles. Currently, we assume that leaf angles are distributed isotropically. |
lai_min | (m2 leaf)/(m2 ground) | Integrator will ignore cohorts with LAI below this threshold |
visible_fraction | dimensionless | If given total solar radiation, this is the fraction assumed to lie in the visible. |
visible_fraction_dir | dimensionless | If given direct beam solar radiation, this is the fraction assumed to lie in the visible. |
visible_fraction_dif | dimensionless | If given diffuse solar radiation, this is the fraction assumed to lie in the visible. |
leaf_scatter_vis | dimensionless | scattering parameter for visible |
leaf_scatter_nir | dimensionless | scattering parameter for near infrared |
leaf_reflect_vis | dimensionless | reflectivity for visible |
leaf_reflect_nir | dimensionless | reflectivity for near infrared |
leaf_trans_vis | dimensionless | transmittivity for visible |
leaf_trans_nir | dimensionless | transmittivity for near infrared |
diffuse_backscatter_vis | dimensionless | backscatter fraction for visible |
diffuse_backscatter_nir | dimensionless | backscatter fraction for near infrared |