PFT parameters - mpaiao/ED2 GitHub Wiki


Defines a plant functional type. Generally there a multiple repeats of pft with different numbers.

TAG Values Description
Num integer PFT number (REQUIRED)
name string PFT name
include_pft 0/1 Whether to use the pft
include_pft_ag 0/1 Whether to initiate on agricultural patches
lifeform 0-2 0=tree, 1=grass/forb, 2=shrub
phenology {0,1,2,3,4} {evergreen, drought deciduous, cold deciduous, ?, ?}
photosyn_pathway 3,4 C3 (3) or C4 (4)
quantum_efficiency (mol CO2)/(mol photons) parameter in the Farqhuar model. With the exception of shade tolerant plants, this is almost always around 0.08.
Vm0 = Vcmax, T=15 C umol CO2/m^2/s^1 Carboxylase rate constant (Wilson et al 2000). High variability. May be determined through any of the following in literature:
  • Vcmax
  • Jmax
  • A/Ci curves
  • Amax
Vm_low_temp ºC Photosynthesis begins to rapidly decline below this temperature.
Jm0 = Jmax, T=15 C umol/m^2/s^1 Maximum electron transport rate
dark_respiration_factor dimensionless coefficent for leaf respiration
cuticular_cond umol/m^2/s^1 leaf conductance when stomata fully closed non-standard units
stomatal_slope dimensionless slope of the relation between stomatal conductance and A [Leuning]. Related to the Ball-Berry parameter in literature.
SLA m2leaf kg-1C Specific leaf area. High sensitivity. Inverse of leaf mass per area (LMA), in literature.
leaf_width m Mean leaf width. Used only to calculate boundary layer conductance. Low sensitivity.
c2n_leaf (kgC)/(kgN) C:N ratio in leaves. Most often derived from N%, in literature.
c2n_root (kgC)/(kgN) C:N ratio in fine roots. Most often derived from N%, in literature.
c2n_stem (kgC)/(kgN) C:N stem wood
c2n_storage (kgC)/(kgN) C:N ratio of the storage pool. Most often derived from N%, in literature.
c2n_recruit (kgC/kgN) C:N ratio in recruits. Derived from tissue C:N's, allometries, and hgt_min.
f_labile dimensionless; ranges between 0-1 fraction of litter that is goes into the labile (fast) carbon pool
b1Bl (kg leaf biomass)/plant/(cm^b2Bl) Leaf biomass allometry coefficient
b2Bl dimensionless Leaf biomass allometry coefficient
b1Bs (kg stem biomass)/plant/(cm^b2Bs) Stem biomass allometry coefficient
b2Bs dimensionless Stem biomass allometry coefficient
b1Ht m Height allometry coefficient
b2Ht 1/cm Height allometry coefficient
rho kg/m3 wood density (note, if > 0 code will use tropical allometries by default)
q (kg fine roots)/(kg leaves) ratio of fine root to leaf biomass. Derived from individual root and leaf biomass estimates, in literature. In woody plants, fine roots are defined as any root under 2mm in diameter. In grasses, find root biomass is treated as equivalent to total root biomass.
qsw (kg sapwood)/(kg leaf)/meter sapwood allocation
{r,c}_fract dimensionless Fraction of storage to {seed,clonal} reproduction {note: clonal is not currently implemented.}
nonlocal_dispersal dimensionless; ranges between 0-1 Proportion of dispersal that is global
seed_rain 1/m2 Background seed rain
hgt_min m The minimum height of plants represented by ED. Conceptually, the minimum height needed to begin photosynthesis.
repro_min_h m Mimimum height for reproduction. Low sensitivity, with the exception of grasses. Defaults to 5m in trees and 1m in grasses.
leaf_turnover_rate 1/yr rate of leaf loss (temperature dependent, check growth_balive.f90 for details)
root_turnover_rate 1/yr rate of fine root loss (temperature dependent, check growth_balive.f90 for details)
storage_turnover_rate 1/yr rate of storage pool loss (not temperature dependent)
root_respiration_factor umolCO2 (kg fine roots)-1 s-1 rate of fine root respiration at reference soil temperature
growth_resp_factor 0-1 Proportion of daily carbon gain lost to growth respiration
mort1 1/year Time scale at which low-carbon balance plants die
mort2 dimensionless Carbon balance ratio for which mortality rapidly increases
mort3 1/year Density independent (background) mortality
plant_min_temp ºC Freezing mortality
seedling_mortality dimensionless; ranges from 0-1 proportion of seed that dies and goes to litter pool.
treefall_{gt,lt} m Survival rate when {above,below} treefall_hite_threshold during treefall disturbance
water_conductance m-2 a-1 (kgC root)-1 "Water availability factor" Sets a plant's supply of water
clumping dimensionless; range is between 0-1. Radiative transfer clumping factor
leaf_scatter_vis dimensionless scattering coefficient for visible radiation
diffuse_backscatter_vis dimensionless backscatter fraction of diffuse radiation
emis_v dimensionless leaf emissivity

PFT CONSTANTS <pftconst></pftconst>

Parameters that apply to all PFT's equally

Variable Units Description
c2n_slow (kgC)/(kgN) C:N soil slow carbon pool
c2n_structural (kgC)/(kgN) C:N soil structural carbon pool
l2n_stem (kgC)/(kgN) Lignin:N stem wood
C2B (kg carbon)/(kg biomass) Carbon to Biomass ratio in wood
agf_bs dimensionless; allowed range is 0-1. Above-ground fraction of the structural stem
frost_mort 1/years frost mortality rate
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