Lapse rate parameters - mpaiao/ED2 GitHub Wiki

LAPSE RATES <lapse></lapse>

Rate of change in meteorological variables with change in elevation

Variable Units Description
geoht m/m Change in geopotential height with elevation
vels m/s/m Change in wind velocity with elevation
atm_temp C/m Change in air temperature with elevation
rv (kg H2O)/(kg air)/m Change in humidity with elevation
prss Pa/m Change in pressure with elevation
pcpg mm/m Change in precipitation with elevation
atm_co2 ppm/m Change in CO2 with elevation
rlong (W/m2)/m Change in long-wave radiation with elevation
par_diffuse (W/m2)/m Change in diffuse PAR with elevation
par_beam (W/m2)/m Change in direct beam PAR with elevation
nir_diffuse (W/m2)/m Change in diffuse near IR with elevation
nir_beam (W/m2)/m Change in direct beam near IR with elevation
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