Hydrology parameters - mpaiao/ED2 GitHub Wiki
Parameters controlling TOPMODEL lateral soil moisture flow and surface runoff model.
Variable | Units | Description |
useTOPMODEL | boolean | Use the among site TOPMODEL subsurface hydrology routine |
useRUNOFF | boolean | Use the among site surface runoff routine |
outputPeriod | integer | How often hydrology status is written to file |
MoistRateTuning | Constant multiplier to soil conductivity decay (f) | |
MoistSatThresh | ||
MoistdWT | Maximum rate of change in water table | |
FracLiqRunoff | Threshold fraction of frozen surface water for runoff to occur | |
runoff_vmax | maximum runoff velocity | |
GrassLAImax | Grass LAI at which maximum surface resistance to runoff occurs |