Fusefiss parameters - mpaiao/ED2 GitHub Wiki
Parameters controlling the fusion and fission of patches and cohorts due to disturbance, recruitment, aging, etc.
<caption><fusefiss></fusefiss></caption>Variable | Units | Description |
min_recruitment_size | kgC/m2 | threshold for recruit formation. |
min_dbh_class | cm | Minimum dbh class in patch profiling |
min_hgt_class | m | Minimum height class for patch profiling |
maxdbh | cm | Maximum dbh class in patch profiling |
fusetol | cm | Cohort fusion tolerance (DBH) |
fusetol_h | m | Cohort fusion tolerance (HEIGHT) |
lai_fuse_tol | (m2 leaf) / (m2 ground) | Cohort fusion tolerance (LAI) |
lai_tol | (m2 leaf) / (m2 ground) | Cohort splitting tolerance (LAI) |
ntol | (#/m2) | Min plant density for height bin to be usind in height profile comparisons |
profile_tol | dimensionless | Fractional tolerance for patch pft height comparisons |
max_patch_age | years | Maximum patch age for fusion |