Event files - mpaiao/ED2 GitHub Wiki

EVENTS events.xml

The events.xml file is an optional file that can be added to deal with events when it is desirable to specify a specific date. This was developed to deal with agricultural management and disturbance, and it contrasts the default model behavior that updates only once per year in June.

All units for the highest level are date. Lower levels can have density, e.g. kg/ha for fertilizer or individuals/m2 for planting density.

The location of the events.xml file is set in the ED2IN file as NL%EVENT_FILE. Event types and details are set in EDBRAMS/ED/src/dynamics/events.f90.

Variable specifier units Description
fertilize <type></type> kg/ha
planting <density></density> individuals / m^2 add new individuals at any date in run.
harvest <agb_frac></agb_frac> <bgb_frac></bgb_frac> <fol_frac></fol_frac> <stor_frac></stor_frac> fraction [0,1] fraction of each component removed

Simple example event file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "ed_event.dtd">

<!---  Planting event  --->
  <year> 2001 </year>
  <doy>  275  </doy>
    <pft>     13       </pft>
    <density> 7.54  </density>
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